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References: [ 103 ]

Total 103 documents matching your query.

101. oil leaks (score: 1)
Author: "Chris Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 12:07:26 -0800
Aircraft Spruce and Specialty has most everything you need to fit up an oil gauge, including plastic line and fittings that will go on the 1/8 BSP ports. You'll probably have to stack up an adapter t
/html/triumphs/1996-03/msg00680.html (7,823 bytes)

102. Re: triple DCOE on GT6+ (score: 1)
Author: "Chris Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 12:13:40 -0800 " digest #180 Tue Mar 26 02:35:02 MST 1996" (Mar 26, 2:35am)
Having gone through this, I will warn you: the manifold from a TR6 will almost certainly not work out well on a GT6+. The problem is bonnet clearance, especially for the front carb. The TR6 has a rel
/html/triumphs/1996-03/msg00681.html (7,270 bytes)

103. Re: TR4 oil leak from bolts ? (score: 1)
Author: "Chris Kantarjiev" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 12:19:52 -0800
One thing to do every time the oil pan comes off is straighten the flange. This might take a little while - get a good flat steel block to use as a mandrel, a medium sized hammer and a drift, and che
/html/triumphs/1996-03/msg00682.html (7,262 bytes)

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