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Total 767 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Lost my key . . . now what? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 14:32:56 -0500
I lost my only key to my 1966 TR4A IRS. Have never made a copy becaue I could not find the blanks. How do I get out of this mess? ==AM== Don't panic (yet), Tom. Did one key operate ignition, glovebox
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00145.html (9,410 bytes)

2. Re: Lost my key . . . now what? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:16:00 EST
It's Pete Groh (410) 750-2352 This guy is real good and I would recommend him. In some cases he has original keys have already been cut. ==AM== And he also cuts by code. I got one such, plus an origi
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00152.html (8,907 bytes)

3. Re: What happens if I don't use a lead additive? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 14:13:10 -0500
== If my '62 Herald 1200 is any indication, nothing (bad) will happen. Bought it 2.5 years ago with 50k on it and have put 20k on it since. No deterioration of the engine whatsoever. --Andy Mace
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00770.html (8,960 bytes)

4. Re: Flyoff handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 13:36:22 EST
The real question on flyoff handbrakes is: does anyone out there really use the flyoff capability? Yes. ;-) --Andy (Although currently I've no running cars with said feature, I have used it in the pa
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00892.html (8,265 bytes)

5. Re: Flyoff handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 13:36:51 EST
My 60 TR3A has the flyoff handbrake too. Although the 61 TR3A I owned in the 60's did not. ...which begs the question, what DID the '61 have? --Andy Mace
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00893.html (8,375 bytes)

6. Re: Flyoff handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 17:25:59 EST
Well..........I'm ready to admit that I don't know what the term "flyoff" means although I think that type of handbrake is what I have on my 58 TR3A. Anyone care to enlighten me on this? Fran, it's p
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00900.html (9,106 bytes)

7. Re: Flash to pass - more info? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:18:43 -0500
== Jerry, yes, the switches were reversed side to side, with the lighting switch always being "inboard" or closer to the center of the passenger compartment. However, the switch had a similar orienta
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00927.html (9,392 bytes)

8. Re: Fly-off Handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 12:49:27 -0500
== Yes, in that the shorter handle lost some of the mechanical advantage one had with the older setup. == == You need to be absolutely sure that the REAR brakes are working "just fine" as well as the
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00941.html (9,253 bytes)

9. Re: TR 6 Handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 21:06:54 EST
My Stag has the same short lever used in the TR4A, and it's not difficult to lock the rear wheels (the first time) with a sharp yank. Of course the details are a bit different, starting with the Stag
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00963.html (8,896 bytes)

10. Re: Headlamp flashers, fly-off brakes - origins (longish) (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 10:58:27 -0500
== Reminds me of an old (impressionist/comedian) Rich Little routine, in which an aide to then-President Richard Nixon was explaining how the word "shalom" could mean either hello or goodbye...."if s
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00980.html (8,980 bytes)

11. Re: TR6 accessories (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 14:08:47 -0500
== Bill, it would've been a dealer add-on, likely as not Casco (sp?) brand, which is still readily available. --Andy Mace
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg01057.html (7,289 bytes)

12. Re: Smiths vs Jaeger Gauges (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 09:49:15 -0500
== John, yes, the two companies are (were) one and the same. --Andy Mace
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg01322.html (7,024 bytes)

13. Re: Possible scam? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 11:53:52 -0500
== Dave (said Andy, putting on his Librarian hat for a moment), if this is what I think it is, it's perfectly legitimate. This "encyclopedia" has been around for years and is found in most decent-siz
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg00618.html (7,671 bytes)

14. Re: NOS TR2 TR3 TR4 Stebro exhaust on ebay (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 22:32:44 EST
I did see that and was wondering what they cost say during the 60's? I think the opening bid is about 150 $. Would it be worth the opening bid? == I wish I could remember...or find one of my old copi
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg00724.html (9,186 bytes)

15. Re: Shoulder Belts -- TR3A (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:28:17 EST
Accept the fact that while in a side screen TR, a collision with anything larger than a go-cart and you will come out second. A shoulder belt will force you to sit bold upright while you head becomes
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg00795.html (10,473 bytes)

16. Re: FW from another list : Police (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 19:59:06 EST
"Always check whether a car is left or right hand drive before breathalysing the guy in the right hand seat" Reminds me of a somewhat similar story told me years ago. A friend of mine and his wife (b
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg00950.html (7,943 bytes)

17. Re: TR3B Factory Records (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 08:51:30 EST
What i have not seen before is how the gearbox is discribed,details say it is fitted with a RATIONALISED GEARBOX.Is this another way to say a 4 speed all synchro TR4 gearbox.My 3B has such a gearbox
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg01003.html (7,812 bytes)

18. Re: In between prep & turkey (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 20:24:14 EST
In between preparations for turkey dinner, or maybe after you've consumed large quantities of Thanksgiving edibles, your LBC may appreciate being taken out for a quick spin. Currently in my neck of t
/html/triumphs/2004-11/msg01014.html (8,154 bytes)

19. Re: GT6 Mk II - what are stock wheels? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 12:44:01 -0400
== Well....there's a bit of confusion here. ;-) First, a 1968 would likely be a "Mk1" GT6, but your subject line indicates a "MkII" (GT6+ in the US). If you're dealing with a US-spec "Mk1" GT6, the v
/html/triumphs/2004-10/msg00764.html (8,508 bytes)

20. Re: oil for TR 4 (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 18:36:18 EDT
All the talk about filters brings a question to mind, What is the recomended oil for my '63 TR4? According to my manual: Mobiloil, Shell X-100, Esso, BP Energol, Castrol XL or XXL, Duckham's Nol or (
/html/triumphs/2004-10/msg00960.html (7,638 bytes)

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