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References: [ 31 ]

Total 31 documents matching your query.

21. Subject: Re: Sandblasting equipment (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:30:36 EST
Soda blasting is the perfect media for this type of work. In fact soda is so good for Autobody panels that you do not have to mask off glass or chrome. It will not be harsh enough to do any damage t
/html/triumphs/2005-02/msg00671.html (8,524 bytes)

22. Re: Personalized Plates (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 11:27:53 EST
I have a 76 TR6. A couple of years ago, I was at home on the computer looking at the Mass. RMV web site for available "vanity" plates. I was getting frustrated trying every combination to get some pl
/html/triumphs/2005-02/msg00822.html (9,333 bytes)

23. Re: Electro - Sheild (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 12:15:27 EST
I have had a little exp. with this type of rust protection (not sure of the brand name). About 5 years ago I purchased a used 1995) Izuzu Trooper. When I was looking for one at my local (Cape Cod Ma
/html/triumphs/2005-01/msg00648.html (7,466 bytes)

24. [TR] RE: HF Pwder gun (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:32:55 EDT
Hi Dave: I do commercial powder coating. Although I own a pro powder gun system. I do have several HF hobby guns that I still use for small jobs (or used too until I tried the Eastwood gun). They bot
/html/triumphs/2006-06/msg00705.html (8,189 bytes)

25. [TR] Spitfire Over drive? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 12:02:47 EDT
Trying to help a friend. He has a 1979 Spitfire, that he just added OD. But can't get it to work. It has a new solenoid. Anyone have any basic troubleshooting info that we can use. Thanks Bob _www.c
/html/triumphs/2006-07/msg00574.html (6,946 bytes)

26. Re: [TR] Spitfire Over drive? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2006 19:42:08 EDT
THANKS Glen: I verified the soloniod is getting current. So it does not appear to be electrical isues. Randall sent me some great trouble shooting info, looks like we will be in deep soon. Bob Bob -
/html/triumphs/2006-07/msg00584.html (7,190 bytes)

27. [TR] Re: Cleaning a foggy plastic window. (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 08:55:44 EST
Hey All: I was watching the show "Trucks" with Stacy David awhile back. They had a Jeep with VERY foggy plastic side windows. They used a "Flitz" buffing ball & some light compound & with not very mu
/html/triumphs/2006-12/msg00169.html (6,898 bytes)

28. [TR] Re: NuChrome (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 18:30:58 EST
As you may now know. Stay away from Nu-Chrome in Fall River Mass.. I did not have any dealings with them myself. But a good friend. Had his 68 Shelby GT-350 bumpers done. Then in the meantime went ba
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00673.html (6,733 bytes)

29. [TR] Re: Powdercoating (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:30:54 EST
List, Hey Paul: See my comments/answers injected into the body of you email. Bob Over a year ago, I had a closeby Powdercoating Company to Powdercoat my sills white and my floorpans black. However, n
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00899.html (8,775 bytes)

30. [TR] Re: Powder Coating (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:34:13 EST
Paul wrote "1. In several locations on my powdercoated white inner sills (TR3) are tiny, tiny rust spots. Only about the diameter of the SHARP end of a threaded-needle and say one spot for every squa
/html/triumphs/2007-01/msg00948.html (9,092 bytes)

31. [TR] Re: Insurance question. (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 09:42:16 EDT
Hi John: Has he looked into applying for an "repair and/or a dealer plate"? He may need to get a repair shop license and/or a Auto dealers license to qualify. The repair or dealer plate would allow h
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00512.html (8,064 bytes)

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