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Total 782 documents matching your query.

221. Re: speedo cable (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Fri, 02 Aug 2002 09:27:59 -0400
Chris, have him measure the distance from the end of the cable to the brass collar that sits on the outside shoulder of the speedo. Then measure the depth inside the hole where the cable goes to the
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00013.html (8,249 bytes)

222. Re: New Sr. TAC Inspectors (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2002 16:51:05 -0400
Congratulations to Paul Sheahan and Tom Calvert on becoming Sr. TAC Inspectors. Now, us East Coast Guys, will have the opertunity to get our cars TAC'ed sooner, without imposing the economic and time
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00047.html (10,556 bytes)

223. East Coast TAC'ing (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 18:04:30 -0400
Hi Tiger Owner's. Missed your last chance to get your Tiger TACed at TACFeast last year? You have another chance. On Saturday, Septermber 7th, a TAC Session will be held at the TE/AE - Chesapeake Reg
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00079.html (7,159 bytes)

224. Location Of East Coast TACing (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 18:16:27 -0400
Opps, forgot to tell you where the September 7th TACing will be held. It's at Tom and Kathy Calvert's House on the water, in Back Creek Farm, Pasadena, Md. Easy directions. Remember this is on Septem
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00081.html (6,746 bytes)

225. Re: Hot Ignition Switch (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:47:59 -0400
As usual Theo and Steve have some excellent advise. I rely on Theo as my electrical Guru. I never liked the wiring system in the Tiger, especially the Only Two Fuses for the entire car, where much of
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00099.html (11,232 bytes)

226. East Coast TACing (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 19:19:46 -0400
Well the TAC Session at the TE/AE Crab Fest is on. We have the Sr. Inspector, and maybe even Two Sr. Inspectors, and us normal Inspectors, to look at your pride and joy. Cost to TAC, just $10 to pay
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00100.html (7,317 bytes)

227. Re: East Coast TACing (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 19:28:49 -0400
Well, I did it again, and forgot to tell you that the TAC Session will be on Sat Sept 7th, and to go to the TE/AE web site for directions. Let me know you are coming so we can set you up for a Time t
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00101.html (8,406 bytes)

228. TACing Your Tiger (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 10:11:18 -0400
Hi Group. I have recieved numerous private emails, last year before TACFeast, and this year re the TACing at the TE/AE Crab Fest, regarding the condition of their cars, and if it is worth it to bring
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00106.html (8,346 bytes)

229. Re: AC air cleaner restoration tips (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 09:17:54 -0400
Hi Erich. You can get a good quality, and proper color Hammertone from Eastwood. On my car, with headers, and a Holley, I run a line from the small air cleaner tube to the carb. Larry
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00122.html (9,143 bytes)

230. Re: Re Air cleaner color (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:15:05 -0400
John, good point. I used Eastwood spray can, and then did power coating with Joe Parlanti, and they are two different colors and textures. Also the comment re gas discoloration is true, but only if e
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00145.html (7,646 bytes)

231. Re: Mark II Tigers (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 09:31:29 -0400
The value of the TAC Program, is demonstrated again. If you want to get your car TACed, come to the TE/AE Crab Feast on Sept 7th, and we will have Inspectors ready to certify your car. Also the food,
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00164.html (8,549 bytes)

232. Re: Need help finding brake caliper repair for my tiger (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 10:39:42 -0400
You may also want to try Curt at Classic Sunbeam, as he had swap for Larry
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00168.html (8,383 bytes)

233. test (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 09:51:39 -0400
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00209.html (6,146 bytes)

234. Re: 5W dash bulbs (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 18:54:00 -0400
Thanks to Paul Almjeld for the article on the Radio Shack bulbs, in the TE/AE Rootes Review. They cost $1.49 for a 2 pack, and are about 26% brighter. I installed them this weekend. I was concerned w
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00214.html (7,486 bytes)

235. test (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 09:11:07 -0400
/html/tigers/2002-08/msg00235.html (6,169 bytes)

236. Re: bellhousings (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 13:04:50 -0400
Hi Group. I just came back from the All Ford at Carlisle Show, and boy were there a lot of Mustangs. Also stopped in at the Hot Rod Show in York, Pa, and they had 5,200 Hot Rods, and I did not see a
/html/tigers/2002-06/msg00007.html (7,354 bytes)

237. Re: cooling (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 17:23:48 -0400
Tim, go to Radio Shack, and get a IR Thermometer, for less than $50. Check the radiator at the top intake, and the thermostat housing if you can find a place that is not chrome or shinny. Stop foolin
/html/tigers/2002-06/msg00075.html (8,611 bytes)

238. Bump Steering (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 18:30:45 -0400
Hi Group. I am looking into, and will make adjustments for checking and adjusting the Bump Steer on my Tiger. Has anyone done this, or have had this done to their Tiger? Larry
/html/tigers/2002-06/msg00077.html (6,277 bytes)

239. TAC on the East Coast (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 18:28:19 -0400
Hi Group. There will be several planned events for you to have your car TACed this year on the East Coast. Details will be announced, and I am sure that at least one or more of the events will welcom
/html/tigers/2002-06/msg00167.html (7,775 bytes)

240. Re: Steering U-Joint Replacement (score: 1)
Author: Larry Paulick <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:55:03 -0400
Graham, this car is 35 plus years old. If you don't know the previous owner(s), and how he drove and maintained the car, do yourself and your family a favor, and have the car's suspension check out b
/html/tigers/2002-06/msg00202.html (7,890 bytes)

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