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References: [ 1734 ]

Total 1734 documents matching your query.

361. Re: Holy Tiger (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 08:11:15 +0000
There are horizontal slots in the vertical riser at the end of that area, but I believe you are describing some holes made for hood pins, rather than fix that latch adjustment properly, or to hold on
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00325.html (8,170 bytes)

362. Re: curiosity (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 14:57:46 +0000
Bob has good advice. (attached below message) I wonder how much you can stroke a 260 before your crank is hitting the block? Stroker cranks already made for 289/302's are a bolt-in, but watch the bal
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00333.html (10,930 bytes)

363. Re: curiosity (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 20:22:20 +0000
I vouldn't put it so strongly. Those Lucas Vindsheild Viper motors aren't really that bad. Steve -- Steve Laifman < Find out what is most > B9472289 < important in your life > < and don't let it get
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00338.html (7,647 bytes)

364. Re: curiosity (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:27:03 +0000
Hey guys, Since both replies were directed towards me, I presume it was in response to my message to Mr. Birbaum. Since I said it would be nice to have room for that Viper in a Tiger, and his reply:
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00347.html (8,608 bytes)

365. Re: curiosity (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:07:26 +0000
As Bob so kindly pointed out, mumbling with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, never reply - it will just get you in deeper. (I think I just did that! And I can't use the word that comes to min
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00349.html (7,644 bytes)

366. Re: Question about Tiger oil caps (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 10:48:08 +0000
Sorry, I did not see the ebay ad. The Tiger had a oil filler cap that was stock Ford. It was available in two types, both sealed for PCV. One was the black job, with the right angle outlet being hor
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00359.html (7,903 bytes)

367. Re: Question about Tiger oil caps (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 11:03:54 +0000
PAW has the Ford "Racing Performance Parts" (Motorsport and Ford Script/oval) lettered one for twit closed crankcase FOR-M-6766-D302, chromed, for $6.95. I am sure the plain one is available at Pep B
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00360.html (7,783 bytes)

368. Re: Numbers Match (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 16:47:21 +0000
Maybe the VIN matches the Vehicle Registration? {9-> -- Steve
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00368.html (6,522 bytes)

369. Windshield and other rubber wax removers (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:48:22 +0000
Windshield and other rubber wax removers. When I had my windshield and rear window installed, the new rubber from rick had this waxy substance all over it. That material is necessary to the installer
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00383.html (8,105 bytes)

370. Re: Hard Top Rear Window (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 12:05:26 +0000
First, read my recent list reply on how NOT to install this stuff yourself. Then, I can tell you that not only must the gasket be put on the rear window first, but so must all the chrome trim INCLUDI
/html/tigers/2000-02/msg00384.html (8,121 bytes)

371. Re: Shelby Wheels (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 08:35:57 +0000
It is highly unlikely that the color was a result of an anodize process. This is so for a number of reasons. Primarily, anodizing, in the 60's, was an expensive process reserved for aircraft/rocket
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00059.html (7,649 bytes)

372. Re: 4-spd overdrive (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 13:30:22 +0000
If this is the reputed "SROD", I'd stay away from it as I've been told by owner's that it is totally unsuited for a performance vehicle. Bob, The Tiger mainshaft IS a 'stock' Ford part, but it, and t
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00085.html (10,140 bytes)

373. Re: inquiry 010700a (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 08:56:06 +0000
Larry, I do remember reading that article, only it must have been 10 years ago, or at least the first time they did it. I certainly don't recall all the conclusions, but the one that stuck in my mind
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00104.html (9,064 bytes)

374. Re: Tach Lubrication (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 10:20:56 +0000
Well, your message got by the 'word police'. I guess the real question is how you intend to go about 'collecting' the sample? {9-> On a different 'tach', did you know that the BEST lubricant for lim
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00107.html (13,492 bytes)

375. Re: Tach Lubrication (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 14:13:04 +0000
As the March Hare said, after the Mad Hatter complained that his watch no longer worked after the Hare 'fixed' it, "I simply cannot understand that. I used the very finest butter." Surely some sand w
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00110.html (8,485 bytes)

376. Re: Tach Lubrication (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 14:44:04 +0000
Well then Allan, At least you can now see the Martian Pornography that Mark has been hiding in all his e-mails now. Can fool your Micro$oft machine, but our Mac's caught it. Don't worry, though, this
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00112.html (7,829 bytes)

377. Re: bunch o' questions - sort of a story (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 15:18:10 +0000
There are no dumb questions, only dummies who refuse to ask. Correct. AND "up" is off and "down" is on with the bat handle Lucas toggle switches!!! Most after market flex fans are stainless, and almo
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00128.html (11,320 bytes)

378. Re: bunch o' questions - sort of a story (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 16:26:58 +0000
You are correct, by the detail of the letter I overlooked. The advice may not all be applicable, because I don't know how his steering, fan are set up. While the answers were certainly Tiger appropri
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00129.html (8,328 bytes)

379. Re: Spare Parts (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 17:06:28 +0000
Steve, My son, Jay, is the expert on this, having been under all of them. {9-> I think a color stripe on the springs has been reported, but many say that isn't so, they are identical. In saying that,
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00154.html (7,599 bytes)

380. Overheating (score: 1)
Author: Steve Laifman <Laifman@Flash.Net>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 17:56:26 +0000
Tigers and Alps, Had an experience today with our family car that might help others locate their own problem source. The car overheated to boiling last night. This morning, after it was all cool, I c
/html/tigers/2000-01/msg00161.html (8,308 bytes)

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