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Total 51 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Here's something you should get a kick out of.....I (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 09:59:28 -0600
...with apologies to Peter Egan. I've been known to mumble passages in my sleep and laugh maniacally. -- Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography, d
/html/team-thicko/2003-12/msg00002.html (7,007 bytes)

2. Re: Oh Canada (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 08:14:50 -0500
Dang this is tough. I can't make it to Mosport but I'll certainly be thinking of y'all. Enjoy a great, safe weekend. -- Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design,
/html/team-thicko/2003-06/msg00019.html (6,827 bytes)

3. SVRA event at RA (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 15:14:43 -0500
Any of the Thick going to the SVRA event at RA this weekend? Just got late word Vintage MSport would like coverage but I cannot attend. This I can do but another eyewitness would sure be handy. Anyon
/html/team-thicko/2003-05/msg00018.html (7,574 bytes)

4. RE: SVRA event at RA (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 16:41:00 -0500
Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure I would've noticed your date was not The Lovely Veronica. My email password, wife's name, my name - that's information I forget. Thanks. I'll be in touch. -- Scott
/html/team-thicko/2003-05/msg00023.html (7,929 bytes)

5. Caution: Clown Humor (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 10:46:11 -0500
-- Scott Paceley Director of Design Services University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Printing Services - 217.333.8759 [demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type ima
/html/team-thicko/2003-05/msg00025.html (8,420 bytes)

6. Re: Caution: Clown Humor (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 10:58:44 -0500
In case a server stripped it, here's the attachment Scott Paceley Director of Design Services University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Printing Services - 217.333.8759 [
/html/team-thicko/2003-05/msg00026.html (7,346 bytes)

7. Re: Caution: Clown Humor (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 08:29:25 -0500
Sigh. The University of Illinois. We ARE the blunted edge of tomorrow's technology. -- Scott Paceley Director of Design Services University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Printing Service
/html/team-thicko/2003-05/msg00032.html (7,385 bytes)

8. Re: Thickos Rule (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 12:38:38 -0600
Jim, Glad you like the Fall Fest coverage. As an adjunct Thicko who has consumed a few London Broils and otherwise enjoyed the Thicko scene, a few well deserved lines seems the least I could do. I'l
/html/team-thicko/2002-12/msg00060.html (7,994 bytes)

9. Blues explanation/sing-along (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:02:21 -0500
Got this explanation of the blues. Thought y'all could relate.... Sing along - y'all know tune... Took mah broke down Meeeata... For t' shoot a man in Sheboygan... Now I'ma sittin' in this Starbucks.
/html/team-thicko/2002-10/msg00032.html (13,118 bytes)

10. Re: jokes (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:38:19 -0600
Some of us have painful memories of the last time someone started a sheep string on this list. -- Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography, digital
/html/team-thicko/2002-10/msg00056.html (10,414 bytes)

11. Gee but I'd love to hear that again (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 14:27:47 -0500
Howdy all, About this time of year I get all nostalgic for Memorial days spent close to a transistor radio listening to Sid Collins, Howdy Bell (at the top of the grandstands in turn two) a very youn
/html/team-thicko/2001-05/msg00016.html (7,878 bytes)

12. RE: Gee but I'd love to hear that again (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 15:23:51 -0500
Oh man. I can almost see the plaid shorts. -- Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography /// /// mailing list ///
/html/team-thicko/2001-05/msg00018.html (7,901 bytes)

13. I hope this is a joke... (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 15:10:03 -0800
Found on Ebay: Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography /// /// mailing list ///
/html/team-thicko/2001-03/msg00033.html (6,583 bytes)

14. UNIVOFIL 010801/deb (again) (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 15:13:18 -0800
[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/mac-binhex40 which had a name of UI_EDC_Seal.fh8] Scott Paceley * * 217-333-8759 /// /// mailing l
/html/team-thicko/2001-03/msg00034.html (6,390 bytes)

15. Re: From Iowa with Love....BAAAAA! (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 16:08:04 -0600
Hmmm. What an interesting little scenario. Tell me more about the nightgown. Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography
/html/team-thicko/2000-10/msg00093.html (8,176 bytes)

16. Re: From Iowa with Love....BAAAAA! (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:04:23 -0600
Ewe're such a kidder. (66.6% of any pun is pu) Scott Paceley * 217-333-8759 * Champaign, IL graphic design, photography
/html/team-thicko/2000-10/msg00103.html (9,032 bytes)

17. Re: From Iowa with Love....BAAAAA! (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 11:28:56 -0600
UPHILL?! That explains it. We ain't got no hills 'round here. Uh, a friend of mine was wonderin' where to go for tips on this sort of thing. He was, uh, troubleshootin' the whole proceedure and, uh,
/html/team-thicko/2000-10/msg00110.html (9,229 bytes)

18. For thickos going to F1-Indy... (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:06:54 -0600
In light of AutoWeek's SAP U.S. Grand Prix preview, we wanted to let you in on some F1 FAQs from the Euroset to our Indy house: 10. What exactly is a Hoosier? 9. Around here, are tank tops considere
/html/team-thicko/2000-09/msg00034.html (7,208 bytes)

19. Re: ELVF info (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 15:27:39 -0600
Flounder, Uh, well said as always. I'll be there under the auspices of Victory Lane (try to act normal) and will be happy to assist wit da poopgroopin'. The Miata will not schlep much in the way of
/html/team-thicko/2000-09/msg00050.html (7,178 bytes)

20. Bull (score: 1)
Author: Scott Paceley <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 13:28:59 -0600
Two sisters, one blonde and one brunette, inherit the family ranch. Unfortunately, after just a few years, they are in financial trouble. In order to keep the bank from repossessing the ranch, they n
/html/team-thicko/2000-07/msg00045.html (7,941 bytes)

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