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References: [ +from:FODFARTS@cs.com: 53 ]

Total 53 documents matching your query.

1. vehicle trasnsport companies (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 21:39:03 -0400
Hey all, I'm looking for a decent transport company to transport a car from the Ft. Myers Florida area to SW Missouri. I won't go into long detailed accounts of the trouble I have had getting my hand
/html/spitfires/2005-06/msg00082.html (6,762 bytes)

2. Not quite Spit related, but LBC (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 21:54:49 EST
Hi all, I'll make this brief, my wife has a 2002 Mini Cooper that she has decided to sell. It's a 5 speed manual, sunroof, all power, 40,000 miles if you would like more details, please e-mail me off
/html/spitfires/2004-11/msg00127.html (6,417 bytes)

3. Re: Check out (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 19:43:38 EDT
It looks to me like a kit car of some sort. The headlight housings are molded into the fenders like a Jag, and from what I can tell of the runningboards, they have the treadplates molded into the bas
/html/spitfires/2002-05/msg00373.html (7,123 bytes)

4. Who owns Triumph? (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 19:02:06 EST
Hi List, Just was wondering today, anybody have any idea who owns (if anyone) the rights to the Triumph automobile name now? I know that new Triumph bikes have been in production for several years, b
/html/spitfires/2002-04/msg00068.html (7,003 bytes)

5. Need advice on mounting position for 3 point belts. (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:27:34 EST
Hi all, I am thinking of using my 64 Spitfire as a daily driver instead of a garage queen and have been wondering about how to install 3 point seatbelts. Right now there is a set of lap belts in the
/html/spitfires/2002-03/msg00421.html (8,150 bytes)

6. Re: Crazy, no sir, not me... (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:00:11 EST
He built a house for his car, I bought a house not because of it's location, not because of it's wonderful style, but because it has a garage behind it that is 100 sq ft bigger than the house! I can
/html/spitfires/2002-02/msg00522.html (8,129 bytes)

7. Re: Crazy, no sir, not me... (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 18:38:04 EST
When I first saw the house advertised in the local paper, I jumped in the car and headed right for it. When I pulled up in the drive way, I almost backed out of the drive because the house was a litt
/html/spitfires/2002-02/msg00524.html (9,031 bytes)

8. Re: Crazy, no sir, not me... (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 19:10:57 EST
We are getting married August 31 Brad /// spitfires@autox.team.net mailing list /// or try http://www.team.net/cgi-bin/majorcool
/html/spitfires/2002-02/msg00558.html (7,717 bytes)

9. RE: Joke/Humor (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 00:02:37 EST
I have the programs cat, version 18.0 and 10.0. Version 18 seems to be having intermittent trouble with it's vertical ascent option, but otherwise runs perfectly. Version 10.0 retains too much hard d
/html/spitfires/2002-02/msg00600.html (7,570 bytes)

10. Re: RIP Speedvision (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 18:19:36 EST
The whole thing just adds to my belief that the entire IQ of the nation is dropping rather rapidly. Go fast, turn left, repeat a few hundred times and then bump the guy in front of you off the track
/html/spitfires/2002-01/msg00008.html (7,781 bytes)

11. Re: Nigerian Funds (NO TRIUMPH CONTENT) (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 18:42:24 EST
I told them I would help them out, I then gave them a phone number to contact me at. The only wrinkle was that the number was that of the local FBI office. I never heard from them again. Wonder why?
/html/spitfires/2002-01/msg00238.html (8,027 bytes)

12. Re: Powder coating BMWs (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 20:03:59 EST
And if I remember the last time I looked in an Eastwood Company catalog, they had a powder coating system that used a large heat lamp to cure a large area, so as long as there is no plastic or other
/html/spitfires/2001-12/msg00339.html (6,848 bytes)

13. Is anybody out there? (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 18:22:00 EDT
Where is everyone? No list traffic since Saturday?
/html/spitfires/2001-08/msg00092.html (6,572 bytes)

14. Re: Engine question... (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 00:52:27 EDT
Well, ever heard of the Vitesse 6? It's basically a modified Herald chassis and body, I believe. Came with the same motor and tranny as the GT-6 if I remember correctly. Brad
/html/spitfires/2001-08/msg00193.html (7,282 bytes)

15. MK1 window glass (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 17:55:37 EDT
Hey List, A friend of mine just got a 63 Spitfire and asked me if I could get some info for him about the door glass. It seems that the passenger side glass is broken and he has located a parts car l
/html/spitfires/2001-08/msg00242.html (6,784 bytes)

16. Re: Running late... (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 23:46:11 EDT
I was almost blown away when at the local O'Reilly's auto parts store for something non British, I asked (just for fun) for points and a condenser for my 64 Spit. Not only did they have it on the com
/html/spitfires/2001-08/msg00263.html (7,022 bytes)

17. British car show this weekend in Carthage Missouri (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:54:38 EDT
Hi all, Just thought I would let the list know about a Brit car show this Saturday in the Southwest corner of Missouri. The Greater Ozarks British Motoring Club is having it's second annual show this
/html/spitfires/2001-07/msg00470.html (6,991 bytes)

18. Re: Bad spark plugs? (Long Story) (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 17:42:13 EDT
I have heard similar stories from other car nut friends of mine about Splitfire plugs. A while back, I believe, the company that makes Splitfire plugs lost a lawsuit charging them with false advertis
/html/spitfires/2001-06/msg00341.html (7,625 bytes)

19. Re: Age Related Discounts / Younger Owners LONG (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:15:35 EDT
I wasn't gonna add anything to this thread as I feel I might qualify as the subject matter. But I must add a little to the opinions floating around. My introduction to British cars was my own doing.
/html/spitfires/2001-06/msg00487.html (10,666 bytes)

20. Re: Auto x Fairly long. (score: 1)
Author: FODFARTS@cs.com
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 18:31:55 EST
Talk about unfair, I run my bone stock 64 Spit against a guy in a 2000 Nissan Maxima including it's stock 222 HP motor! How do they come up with these classes? It's not that I'm expecting a 37 year o
/html/spitfires/2001-03/msg00351.html (7,382 bytes)

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