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Total 67 documents matching your query.

1. [Shop-talk] Happy New Year and Go Jack question (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 17:55:50 -0600
one thing that will help here short of spending 400 bucks on go jacks buy some hard plastic, ball bearing wheels for your H.F. dollies... I was very disappointed in the HF as purchased... but I spent
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00248.html (13,579 bytes)

2. [Shop-talk] Plasma cutters (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 12:41:09 -0600
Moose, plasma cutters are handier than a shirt pocket... you can buy cheap and expensive... I have an old Plasmark with a transformer...that will handle up to a 1/4". it's as big as a dog house and w
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00260.html (11,685 bytes)

3. [Shop-talk] car dolly replacement casters (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 13:28:21 -0600
Hi Tim... it was probably me... I replaced the sorry HF cast wheels with some from Grainger... hard plastic 3" I think with ball or roller bearings... (it's been a few years) here's a link to some po
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00275.html (10,637 bytes)

4. [Shop-talk] coupling two shafts (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 13:41:37 -0600
sorry guys should have given more detail... I'm building an engine stand... I've had a head built from 4" pipe with bearings pressed in and a shaft turned down to fit the bearing i.d. the shaft is 1-
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00308.html (14,137 bytes)

5. [Shop-talk] coupling two shafts (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 16:26:32 -0600
it MIGHT be overkill John, but my current stand is a pipe in a sleeve head and the weight of the block/crank alone is difficult to rotate... especially with the weight down and trying to roll it back
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00311.html (11,078 bytes)

6. [Shop-talk] Welding cart idea (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 14:06:46 -0600
Moose, check some of the welding forums... seems like thats all you see posted now a days http://www.hobar
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00352.html (11,482 bytes)

7. [Shop-talk] Harbor Freight (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 08:29:50 -0600
Bob Bob Bob.... when have you EVER seen a situation when a compressor would work when you needed an O-ring ??? but it would be nice, wouldn't it
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00389.html (10,923 bytes)

8. [Shop-talk] Harbor Freight (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:07:10 -0600
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00391.html (10,016 bytes)

9. [Shop-talk] Electrolytic Rust Removal on a large part (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:33:33 -0600
another thought Jim... you might not be able to find a kiddie pool affordable with the side wall height you need for the trunk lid.. another option would be scab together a frame of plywood the depth
/html/shop-talk/2011-02/msg00174.html (12,151 bytes)

10. [Shop-talk] car dolly replacement casters (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 11:41:12 -0600
Tim., what did you end up buying j
/html/shop-talk/2011-02/msg00181.html (10,428 bytes)

11. [Shop-talk] Oxy/Acetylene regulator repair? (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 19:55:11 -0600
check a local welding supply store for estimate for repair vrs new purchase.... lots of times it's cheaper to fix
/html/shop-talk/2011-03/msg00307.html (9,760 bytes)

12. [Shop-talk] Engine stand for Ford big block (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 10:42:06 -0500
Michael, a 460 will weigh in between 700 and 800 #s fully dressed... a 1250# stand will certainly hold it but depending on the rotating part... turning it might be difficult... that's why I built one
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00460.html (9,910 bytes)

13. [Shop-talk] generac generator won't start ??? (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:41:34 -0500
more info... went out in the 97 degrees and disconnected the starter from the engine... hooked up battery charger to the starter directly and it spun away... hooked up to the bendix and it kicked the
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00559.html (13,451 bytes)

14. [Shop-talk] generac generator won't start ??? solved (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 17:06:13 -0500
did a load test on the battery... it showed 13.99 volts... but when I put the load cell on it... it dropped to 6.9 volts in about 2 seconds and only recovered to about 8.3... battery is 6 years old s
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00563.html (11,571 bytes)

15. [Shop-talk] generac generator won't start ??? (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 08:28:35 -0500
Hey Moose.... Alabama is the place of warmth ... come on down. a load test did determine that the battery was bad... when I put a load on it it dropped to 3 volts... enough to throw in the solenoid b
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00572.html (10,648 bytes)

16. [Shop-talk] faucets, mixing valves, and regular valves (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (John Niolon)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 19:42:26 -0500
Mark, I have a mop sink in my garage.... the faucet set I use has a threaded aerator... you can a backflow preventor that will fit these threads that will convert to a hose bib... then use the regula
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00590.html (10,920 bytes)

17. [Shop-talk] battery rebuilders? (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 08:35:16 -0500
Mark I have a box full of (12) Dewalts, Craftsman and Makitas (from work) I'm about to send off to Primecell they rebuild YOUR pack with new cells supposedly rate
/html/shop-talk/2011-08/msg00123.html (10,328 bytes)

18. [Shop-talk] Appliance rollers (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 13:20:29 -0500
karl funny thing... I just built one to replace my 20 year old rusty, bent appliance roller sets... I used 2" angle iron in a "U" configuration with cross pieces across the middle..side to side I use
/html/shop-talk/2011-10/msg00167.html (11,615 bytes)

19. [Shop-talk] Removing bondo (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 10:05:59 -0500
/html/shop-talk/2011-10/msg00193.html (11,099 bytes)

20. [Shop-talk] Ideas for a junkyard shopping cart (score: 149)
Author: jniolon at (john niolon)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 06:29:01 -0500
I see lots of folks at car/truck shows pulling one of the big wheel kids wagons (with or without kids)with the cute wooden sideboards. Saw one with 4 rims and an intake/carb combo and a bunch of othe
/html/shop-talk/2011-10/msg00225.html (12,067 bytes)

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