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Total 20 documents matching your query.

1. [Shop-talk] Replacing a breaker? (score: 111)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 12:10:45 -0500
The next step in troubleshooting would be to isolate the breaker form the circuit. If you can, turn off the power to the breaker at a main line disconnect or panel breaker. With no power in the panel
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00238.html (12,085 bytes)

2. [Shop-talk] coupling two shafts (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 16:05:35 -0600
Try something like this? As long as the spider is the same, you can combine two different shaft halfs plings one unmovabl
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00300.html (10,406 bytes)

3. [Shop-talk] Rivets won't pop (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 13:54:15 -0600
Are you using the correct size rivet for the hole you drilled? (Or conversely the correct size drill for the rivets you have). These can usually only tolerate a hole slightly larger than the diameter
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00326.html (11,907 bytes)

4. [Shop-talk] OT: Well Water Pressure Tanks (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 14:35:56 -0500
I would argue that bigger is not always better. Basically you need to match the type of tank to your well pump. When we built our new home a couple years ago I was surprised to learn how much the tec
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00319.html (10,707 bytes)

5. [Shop-talk] OT: Well Water Pressure Tanks (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 18:30:52 -0500
The Pump is at the bottom of the well. The well in this case is about 190' deep, fully lined to keep the ag runoff out of it. The Pump is an ITT Goulds 2hp 4" submersible Franklin Motor Model 18GS204
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00328.html (11,881 bytes)

6. [Shop-talk] Where to get glycerin? (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 10:51:51 -0500
-- == = Never offend people with style when you = = can offend with substance -- Sam Brown = ==
/html/shop-talk/2011-05/msg00388.html (12,524 bytes)

7. [Shop-talk] Solar Panels are LIVE!!! (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 15:53:50 -0500
In our area, it varies by the power company that serves you and the installed capacity of your lines. Where I live, the max we could install was equivilant to about 10kw. -- == = Never offend people
/html/shop-talk/2011-07/msg00228.html (10,707 bytes)

8. [Shop-talk] Compressed Air Lines, RapidAir (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 15:07:12 -0500
The page on Northern tool for RapidAir is wrong, it is actually rated at 150psi from -40 F to +180 F. Check out the borchure. -- == = Never off
/html/shop-talk/2011-08/msg00139.html (13,116 bytes)

9. [Shop-talk] Compressed Air Lines, RapidAir (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 08:07:31 -0500
I work for a company that designs and builds the computers and displays that pilots use to fly aircraft. I can tell you that they have been two confirmed incidents of a PED (personal electronic devic
/html/shop-talk/2011-10/msg00152.html (14,419 bytes)

10. [Shop-talk] Roof trusses / framing a second floor (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:54:41 -0600
We spec'd "room in attic" trusses in the attic of our house, which give you a fair amount of usable space depending on your roof pitch. We ended up with a room that is 15' wide (at the floor) with a
/html/shop-talk/2011-11/msg00123.html (12,546 bytes)

11. [Shop-talk] Mufflers (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 08:54:59 -0600
With a little detective work, you should be able to find a quieter exhaust system that will bolt right up to that motor. I would start with a local lawn and garden shop, take them the model and spec
/html/shop-talk/2011-12/msg00222.html (9,921 bytes)

12. [Shop-talk] OT--car won't start (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:52:06 -0600
Sounds like a bad battery. Try jumping it with a good set of heavy gauge jumper cables from a running car. I have found most battery chargers on "start assist" mode are ok if the battery is just a bi
/html/shop-talk/2011-12/msg00261.html (11,160 bytes)

13. [Shop-talk] Didn't get what you want for Xmas? (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 12:31:12 -0600
WOW, the generator alone is worth the asking price. If I had the cash..... -- == = Never offend people with style when you = = can offend with substance -- Sam Brown = ==
/html/shop-talk/2012-01/msg00245.html (9,240 bytes)

14. [Shop-talk] Is this true?---Fw: eBay Motors Fee Class Action(6540054) (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:47:01 -0600
Mine was $0.05 -- == = Never offend people with style when you = = can offend with substance -- Sam Brown = ==
/html/shop-talk/2012-01/msg00313.html (15,659 bytes)

15. [Shop-talk] video gurus listen up (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:00:22 -0500
Yep, this can be done, there are several ways. Most video cameras have a video out connector that you could connect to a DVD recorder or to a video capture card on a PC. There are also many services
/html/shop-talk/2012-03/msg00191.html (9,629 bytes)

16. [Shop-talk] Attic storage - track and platform system (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 12:51:02 -0500
Not sure how it would work in your application (radiused corners), but I have seen something similar done with overhead door tracks. They were only used for straight sections, and for light loads ( t
/html/shop-talk/2012-05/msg00121.html (11,619 bytes)

17. [Shop-talk] car hauler tralier advise. (score: 105)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 20:06:39 -0500
I bought a Dressen 16' steel car hauler new about 10 years ago. It is made from 4" channel with 4" angle welded to the top and 4" channel cross members. It has 1x8 solid wood decking. I was worried a
/html/shop-talk/2012-05/msg00131.html (13,369 bytes)

18. [Shop-talk] Rivets won't pop (score: 99)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:38:14 -0600
I'd suspect you just got a bunch of rivets that have gone bad. How far did the mandrel pull before it broke? -- == = Never offend people with style when you = = can offend with substance -- Sam Brown
/html/shop-talk/2011-01/msg00329.html (10,446 bytes)

19. [Shop-talk] Question about logistics shipping a four post lift (score: 99)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 18:25:45 -0500
Ok gang, I am way short on garage space and I am considering buying a 4-post storage/service lift to ease the congestion. My biggest concern is how to deal with getting the lift shipped to the house.
/html/shop-talk/2012-03/msg00149.html (8,934 bytes)

20. [Shop-talk] Question about logistics shipping a four post lift (score: 99)
Author: jdinnis at (John Innis)
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 08:03:04 -0500
Thanks for the advice everyone. I am near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, but I do have a 16' flatbed car trailer. I was not aware of the option to pick up at the freight terminal. That sounds like the way to go
/html/shop-talk/2012-03/msg00158.html (9,600 bytes)

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