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References: [ +from:Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu: 62 ]

Total 62 documents matching your query.

1. [oletrucks] Signal light wiring (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 08:46:25 -0400
I have a signal light switch that doesn't show the brand name. It is black and has only this designation on the right side. SAE Q PM-551 OC 69 (the O could be a Q) I do not believe it is a "signal st
/html/oletrucks/2005-10/msg00007.html (7,622 bytes)

2. [oletrucks] P-30 cube van (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 14:04:08 -0400
I have a dual wheel floating axle 10,000 lb box van. When I took the dually rear drums off there are two nuts that hold on the drum hub assy. bearings. There is a locking plate with tabs between thes
/html/oletrucks/2005-05/msg00058.html (7,140 bytes)

3. [oletrucks] (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:47:00 -0400
I went to the Brooklyn Fairgrounds in Connecticut for a Truck Show. Lots of large trucks and a really neat 1/4 size kenworth powered by a john deer diesel complete with 1/4 sized flatbed trailer. Nic
/html/oletrucks/2004-06/msg00217.html (7,134 bytes)

4. [oletrucks] My mail doesn't seem to go to oletrucks? (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:47:32 -0500
I've sent several posts over the last few months and never received any back. I get all the other mail. What's Up? Roger Gleason 51AD 3100 Huckster oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built
/html/oletrucks/2004-03/msg00019.html (7,124 bytes)

5. RE: [oletrucks] History Of AD Trucks (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 15:12:56 -0500
Someone sent in a url for a tractor site that I didn't copy. Can someone send me it again. Roger Gleason 51AD 3100 Huckster oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2004-01/msg00170.html (7,385 bytes)

6. RE: [oletrucks] clip on 54 chev (score: 1)
Author: "Gleason, Roger" <roger.gleason@uconn.edu>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:12:29 -0500
So is it me or does that setup look like you have a lot of caster in the Might be an optical illusion but it looks like there is a large amount of spacers in the rear of the upper A-frame, on both si
/html/oletrucks/2003-12/msg00229.html (8,626 bytes)

7. Re: [oletrucks] Rear end ratio (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 10:20:00 -0500
Mark one wheel and driveshaft or yoke on the top then hold the other wheel and rotate the marked wheel two complete revolutions, Count the turns of the driveshaft in complete revolutions and decimals
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00045.html (10,812 bytes)

8. Re: [oletrucks] Re: blown rear end? (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 13:27:34 -0500
May be a broken axle. I did it once when I was young but my dad said it was probably due to the fact that the previous owner hauled large rocks. I broke both axles in a 46 chev.pu. Dad replaced them
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00056.html (10,521 bytes)

9. Re: [oletrucks] Rear end ratio (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 13:30:22 -0500
I believe you have to turn the wheel it twice unless its a posi unit. We do this quite regularly for our racing enterprises and have done it recently about four times about a month ago. Roger Gleason
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00057.html (11,421 bytes)

10. Re: [oletrucks] Rear end ratio (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 13:31:58 -0500
I forgot. ............ on the gear count you have to count the ring gear teeth and divide it by the number of pinion gear teeth. Roger Gleason University of Connecticut Construction Engineer 31 LeDoy
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00058.html (11,363 bytes)

11. Re: [oletrucks] Rear end ratio (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:10:44 -0500
Believe me I've done this too many times to be wrong....Turn the wheel twice unless its a posi. Roger Gleason University of Connecticut Construction Engineer 31 LeDoyt Road Storrs, Connecticut 06269-
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00060.html (9,817 bytes)

12. Re: [oletrucks] Re: blown rear end? (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 13:27:34 -0500
May be a broken axle. I did it once when I was young but my dad said itwas probably due to the fact that the previous owner hauled large rocks. Ibroke both axles in a 46 chev.pu. Dad replaced them wi
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00065.html (10,513 bytes)

13. Re: [oletrucks] More Tranny Questions (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 15:25:07 -0500
The small plug on the top is actually a vent, if its plugged then it needs to be opened. The clutch play is probably from wear in the linkage and brackets. Unless you have replaceable bushings it har
/html/oletrucks/2003-11/msg00212.html (9,274 bytes)

14. [oletrucks] T Shirts (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 08:37:42 -0400
Shirts look great. But even better was the look on my significant others face when she saw that I bought her one! Lets see how to explain it. Belonging to an old truckers club.....Cool! Getting someo
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00165.html (7,913 bytes)

15. Re: [oletrucks] Choke problem? (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 08:22:40 -0400
The accelerator pump is not working right. It probably needs to be replaced. Look in side the carb and work the throttle from idle to full open. You should see a steady stream of fuel come out of th
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00400.html (9,694 bytes)

16. Re: [oletrucks] Choke problem? (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 13:46:15 -0400
It appears that the fuel circuits are clogged or partially blocked. If it was the main jet it just would not run at any speed. It may be clogged fuel filters and therefore not getting the proper amo
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00408.html (11,713 bytes)

17. Re: [oletrucks] Norwich Ct Car Show....( Karens 53 1/2 PickUp ) (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 08:17:17 -0400
Hi Joe Nice to know there is someone from my area. Didn't get to go to the Norwich show as I had commitments to racing. But I wish I could have gone and shown off my and my wife's new T shirts.... I
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00508.html (9,224 bytes)

18. RE: [oletrucks] Norwich Ct Car Show....( Karens 53 1/2 PickUp ) (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 10:13:38 -0400
Huckster by dictionary definition means "Hawker, Peddler", " to deal in or bargain over", Haggle. But to old truckers/ farmers, it means something else. As the story goes farmers used to try to save
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00511.html (11,635 bytes)

19. [oletrucks] Hucksters (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 10:31:00 -0400
Here is a couple of sites that I visit. http://www.oldgmctrucks.com/page0018.html http://www.autogallery.org.ru/m/fordpi17.htm Roger Gleason 51 AD 3100 Huckster oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM t
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00512.html (6,898 bytes)

20. Re: [oletrucks] Response to your For Sale page! (score: 1)
Author: Roger.Gleason@uconn.edu
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 08:50:16 -0400
This is what my wife did for me on my 50th. I think it made my life!, if not my day. Cemented our relationship and I love her more now than ever. I repaid her by buying her an "oletrucks" list T shir
/html/oletrucks/2003-07/msg00557.html (7,935 bytes)

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