- 1. A new world? (score: 1)
- Author: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
- Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 20:49:03 -0600 (MDT)
- Last week, many of the folks here in the U.S. of A observed what we call Columbus Day. It comemmerates the voyage of Christopher Columbus and his "discovery" of the New World. Columbus took off for u
- /html/newsletters/1999-10/msg00000.html (11,476 bytes)
- 2. Doh! (score: 1)
- Author: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
- Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 20:53:03 -0600 (MDT)
- Geez, sometimes I am such a twit. After sending out my email plea for subscriber contributions, I head off to my shop, and make a quick stop at the post office. One of the letters I drop off contains
- /html/newsletters/1999-10/msg00001.html (7,206 bytes)
- 3. Re: Newsletter material (score: 1)
- Author: Mark Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 11:24:35 -0700 (MST)
- Having a repository of useful stuff was the idea behind having the newsletters directory on ftp.team.net. But nobody has put anything there, other than a postscript copy of one of my newsletters a co
- /html/newsletters/1998-02/msg00019.html (7,672 bytes)
- 4. Re: Vegetarian Meat Loaf (score: 1)
- Author: Mark J Bradakis <mjb@cs.utah.edu>
- Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 11:13:25 -0700 (MST)
- While I'm sure the original sender of this note was trying to be helpful, the info is not correct. To subscribe to a list you need to do more than just send the list name, you need to tell majordomo
- /html/newsletters/1997-10/msg00002.html (6,938 bytes)
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