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Total 206 documents matching your query.

41. morgan windshield uprights (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 13:09:23 -0500
Question please on morgan uprights for the windshield, are they bent in most cars above the mounting area, or straight for some cars, I have both types in hand and not so sure whats proper for my yea
/html/morgans/2004-12/msg00002.html (6,678 bytes)

42. Non Morgan -radar tricks by old friend (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 12:21:50 -0500
this is non morgan but was a neat idea I have a good friend about 10 years back in VA had a nifty device in his truck he is an electrical engineer, and constructed a anti radar device he had several
/html/morgans/2004-12/msg00004.html (7,579 bytes)

43. Joe Ferguson Jr. letter Super-Sports Morgan powered by Ford (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:25:31 -0500
April 11, 1966 MORGAN AMERICAN powered by FORD contact: Joe Ferguson Jr. 1741 Broadway, N.Y.C. 212 LT-1-5242 It has been said that nothing stays the same but change itself! Change that is, and the Mo
/html/morgans/2004-11/msg00000.html (8,948 bytes)

44. Morgan glove box worries (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 18:38:05 -0500
I am looking at my glove box, and have two sitting in front of me, one is a D shape and one is a D shape with a flat side I would think at the bottom. it also angles thinner as it goes back unlike th
/html/morgans/2004-11/msg00002.html (7,371 bytes)

45. Morgan Tool kit specifications/Note November 2004 update (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 17:56:24 -0500
Here is a list to the best I can find thus far on original Morgan Tool bits, those with tools please compare and let me know some of the brands. thanks Bob Bowie in Maine Morgan Tools (late 50's, 60'
/html/morgans/2004-11/msg00004.html (9,935 bytes)

46. Smiths Sender threads for fuel tank (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:33:00 -0400
Hi, I just was putting back in my smiths sender on my tank and did not have the screws to mount it, I ordered one from Moss that applies to MG, but the threads start to bind after about 4 turns, and
/html/morgans/2004-10/msg00000.html (6,601 bytes)

47. Proud PaPa of Super Sports Engine running after 35 years (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 22:16:41 -0400
Fellow Moggers, very proud of Don Greimels work to restore the driveline of my Morgan Super Sports 5381 to original specifics in Maryland, alot of detail and patience, he raced it in 1963 for Fergus
/html/morgans/2004-10/msg00001.html (7,093 bytes)

48. Morgan leather (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 18:41:10 -0400
Hi, does anyone know what kind of leather is used on a morgan, I know mine was black leather, done in the 60's and the seats were leather as well as the the back I am looking at buying a hide for use
/html/morgans/2004-09/msg00008.html (6,643 bytes)

49. Morgan rear deck trim (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 11:58:52 -0400
Hi, can anyone please take a picture of teh alloy half round strip at the bottom near the bumper, I am trying to see where and how it ends in relation to the rear license panel etc. its the long trim
/html/morgans/2004-09/msg00009.html (6,625 bytes)

50. leather table /Morgan (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 15:02:47 -0400
Hi, I found this table for leather, anyone willing to measure their own? Bob Bowie in Maine [demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of leatherconversionchart.jpg] //
/html/morgans/2004-09/msg00010.html (6,482 bytes)

51. Morgan Spotting up to Maine (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 07:15:21 -0400
Hi, last friday a beige morgan was seen by my wife in Bangor, anyone on this list? I had never seen one this way before except Dave Neilson's out of New Brunswick. Bob Bowie in Bangor Maine /// unsub
/html/morgans/2004-09/msg00011.html (6,507 bytes)

52. Morgan weber venturies (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 08:47:32 -0400
Hi, does anyone on the morgan list have a set of auxillary venturies for a set of webers? I am waiting for three more to come in but weber is in receivorship and its now been months since I ordered n
/html/morgans/2004-09/msg00012.html (6,322 bytes)

53. interim fenders on a morgan 1954 (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:05:34 -0400
Hi moggers there may be a rare interim cowled morgan on ebay, its got the bean can fenders but the grill is updated ebay 2486232876 1954 p 3031 its in florida Bob Bowie in Maine /// unsubscribe/chang
/html/morgans/2004-08/msg00000.html (6,284 bytes)

54. Lobstermog V Harpswell, and cowl badge measurements (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 15:43:31 -0400
The event at Harpwell, Maine was really quite good, alot of people (on the order of 80), and a good number of cars, 20 or so, I wanted to congratulate Bill Alexander, Frank Wnek, Bob Wright etc on a
/html/morgans/2004-08/msg00002.html (7,789 bytes)

55. Badge details for Morgan (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 15:30:48 -0400
Odd questions for the morgan list 1)When did the badge change from thick to thin in depth 2)badges can have a pair of 4's on them, and I have seen the +4 , +8 etc, I now have seen a few with no symbo
/html/morgans/2004-08/msg00005.html (6,820 bytes)

56. Oil Cooler fittings (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 08:18:07 -0400
Hi, at it in the small details and not sure where to look. I have an original Serck Oil cooler with rearward exiting fittings on my Super Sports, but the fittings look like a garden hose they appear
/html/morgans/2004-07/msg00000.html (6,571 bytes)

57. Brass Dunlop tyre tool (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 13:30:46 -0400
does anyone have the original brass dunlop tyre valve tool 50-60's Morgan I need its length and a picture would be fantastic thanks Bob Bowie in Maine still after tool bits! /// unsubscribe/change a
/html/morgans/2004-07/msg00002.html (6,101 bytes)

58. Hoping to find a few odd bits for my old Morgan (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:26:35 -0400
Hi fellow moggers as I get nearer to sorting out my interior on my 63 morgan I am hoping to find a few bits that over the few years I just have not found. I am looking for 1)oval non locking filler c
/html/morgans/2004-06/msg00001.html (7,466 bytes)

59. Morgan Muffler hangers (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 21:42:33 -0400
I am inquriing as to Muffler hangers in the morgan, I think I have an original one, which hangs down from a bracket around the muffler pipe. I found on my Super Sports a dual holed bracket on the are
/html/morgans/2004-05/msg00000.html (6,768 bytes)

60. seat back bar and calipers (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 17:04:54 -0400
There was a question on the back bar with great pictures, I ordered one from the factory, but linda at morgan spares orders bulk from them so either source is valid, she also has the end brackets, ju
/html/morgans/2004-05/msg00002.html (6,949 bytes)

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