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Total 283 documents matching your query.

141. [mgs] Springs (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 10:27:40 -0400
It went up 1-1/2" with the debut of the rubber-bumper models: '74-1/2 through '80. It went up agaiin - about 2 feet - when I replaced the rear springs on my '76 ((aarrgh...)). Allen ** Allen H. Bache
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00845.html (7,207 bytes)

142. Re: MGB's & Miles (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 20:59:43 -0400
Open the hood (bonnet). Driver's side - way back in the farthest corner, you'll find what looks like a tin can with a white plastic lid on it. This is the reservoir for the clutch master cylinder. I
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00894.html (8,834 bytes)

143. Re: MGB's and mileage (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 21:01:34 -0400
I'll see your garage amd storage shed and raise you one barn, smokehouse and basement! Allen ** Allen H. Bachelder =iii=< Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs New Castle, VA 24127 USA 540/544-7333 **
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00895.html (8,004 bytes)

144. MG Publications (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 21:30:46 -0400
Yes, and isn't that a great reason to join a club. You'll never regret joining NAMGBR - your first issue of the "MGB Driver" will be worth the whole $25-membership fee right there (usual disclaimers
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00896.html (8,876 bytes)

145. Sidescreen Midgets (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 22:04:50 -0400
Just a shot in the dark, but maybe Mark Brandow at Quality Coaches in Minneapolis would know. Good Luck! Allen ** Allen H. Bachelder =iii=< Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs New Castle, VA 24127 USA
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00898.html (7,245 bytes)

146. Re: [MGC Brakes] (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 21:18:11 -0400
Hi List - ' Sorry this is rather long, but I need some advice. Back in May I started having problems with a soft low brake pedal on my '76 B. It's never been firm like my non-servo Bs but it got quit
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00966.html (9,551 bytes)

147. Fwd: MGB timing question (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 21:25:59 -0400
You do mean BTDC rather than ATDC don't you? Is this a stock '79 B engine? In some modified applications, friends have gotten their 45D4s to work much better with no vacuum advance at all. If you ha
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00967.html (7,942 bytes)

148. Fwd: MGB electrical (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:17:05 -0400
' Sounds like a faulty voltage regulater on that new alternater. Check alternater output with a voltmeter - ' think it should be ca 13.5-14 volts. ' Just guessing here, but if headlights are dim, I'
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00994.html (8,693 bytes)

149. Re: [soft brake pedal] (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:17:42 -0400
Thanks, Max. ' Thought I would pull the rear drums and see if there's anything askance back there. Anybody: Is it possible that this could be caused by worn shoes, such that no matter how high the ad
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00995.html (7,751 bytes)

150. Re: brakes being soft (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:31:04 -0400
This marks at least the 3rd 'sympathy' post I've gotten. ' Sounds like this is a pretty common problem and the victims all seem stumped. In your case I wonder about the master cylinder, but mine is
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg00998.html (7,278 bytes)

151. Re: '76 B soft brake pedal (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 11:41:21 -0400
And "Aha!" - this raises a new question. This car is converted to dual HS-4s. I have the brake servo vacuum hose connected on the middle of the intake manifold where the gulp valve used to be. Is th
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg01001.html (7,652 bytes)

152. '76 B: I deserved a brake today. End of thread! (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 16:22:27 -0400
Hi list, Thanks to so many who responded to my problem. Now I can report WOW, VOILA, EUREKA, and lots more! The problem is solved. The RR adjuster has been bothering me - I couldn't feel the 'detents
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg01050.html (8,136 bytes)

153. MGB RHD,AUTOmatic (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 22:04:02 -0400
I didn't think the manual was that hard to drive... 8^) Allen ** Allen H. Bachelder =iii=< Sinking Creek Home for Wayward MGs New Castle, VA 24127 USA 540/544-7333 **
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg01071.html (7,086 bytes)

154. Re: Miata (& MG) Stuff (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 22:10:36 -0400
Yes, I understand they used to tax the bore. In fact, wasn't it some early Tr**ph engine that originated in a tractor? Or is that a myth also? Allen ** Allen H. Bachelder =iii=< Sinking Creek Home f
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg01072.html (8,668 bytes)

155. Signing off for awhile (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 22:54:08 -0400
Now that the brake problems on the '76 B are solved (YES...!!!), tomorrow morning, we pack up our Damask red '73 and head for Sarnia Ontario to visit family and then on to Grand Bend for the Hosers E
/html/mgs/1999-07/msg01074.html (8,500 bytes)

156. 75 MGB (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 07:51:53 -0400
Scooter - My guess is the PO has installed a defeat switch in series with the trunk-lid switch that turns the trunk light on automatically when you raise the lid. Handy idea I guess if you're incline
/html/mgs/1999-06/msg00266.html (7,624 bytes)

157. RE: Jack Points 75 MGB (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:08:56 -0400
Larry, Andy, et al... Of course, before that, the rusted still crunches. My favorite trick when viewing a prospective B purchase is to innocently ask the owner what those funny sockets are for... Oh,
/html/mgs/1999-06/msg00389.html (8,312 bytes)

158. Re: MGB Leans to the Left (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 08:26:14 -0400
OK, you right-hand drive guys - do old Bs in the UK lean to the right? I've just been through this with my '76. A set of new front springs and two sets of rear springs later, and after a trip to the
/html/mgs/1999-06/msg00393.html (8,835 bytes)

159. Re: Jack Points 75 MGB (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:58:13 -0400
Absolutely! I carry the scissor jack to use and the original jack for show only. BTW, I had to use it Monday this week - I've been raving about the new British"Concours Classico" innertubes for wire
/html/mgs/1999-06/msg00454.html (8,289 bytes)

160. Tool Box (score: 1)
Author: Florrie & Allen Bachelder <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 10:07:06 -0400
Check out John Twist's 'Trip Pack' on the back cover of your NAMGBR directory (or am I wrong in presuming your doing this in a B?). Additions I carry: Haynes manual, Moss or VB catalog, and the NAMG
/html/mgs/1999-06/msg00456.html (7,107 bytes)

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