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Total 372 documents matching your query.

161. Under bonnet temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:45:11 -0800
Can anyone tell me with authority, the maximum temperature reached under the hood - at the hood? I need to know to check out what adhesives will stick sound deadening stuff under the bonnet (hood) Re
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00036.html (8,383 bytes)

162. Re: Under bonnet temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 13:09:07 -0800
No - no variables! I just want the highest temp reached, - how, when and if, is of no concern - just the hottest. But you have solved my problem - I think! Do some cars have fibre glass bonnets? If
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00043.html (10,751 bytes)

163. Re: Under bonnet temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 09:51:19 -0800
You are a gentleman and a scholar sir! You will need something that goes up to 180 deg F - I think! So an oven whatsist should be okay. Duct tape will stick it. Run the car on the road for 15 minute
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00045.html (12,499 bytes)

164. Re: Under bonnet temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 10:14:01 -0800
Now that sounds interesting - to Radio Shack I go! At 07:20 PM 2/19/2005, wrote: I once had a digital interior/exterior thermometer from Radio Shack that had the external sensor mo
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00046.html (9,523 bytes)

165. Under the bonnet (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 10:22:25 -0800
Thanks to everyone who helped me on this. A lot of people seem to have success with 3M - high temp stuff. I intend to use a few different glues, 3M and stuff from my auto shop, and see what happens.
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00047.html (7,271 bytes)

166. Canadian Convoy (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 16:27:37 -0800
Is anyone going to Terre Haute in June who will be going down the 401 in Canada (to Windsor) or going along the route from Detroit way - or anywhere in between??? Object is to form a convoy Regards B
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00048.html (6,865 bytes)

167. Under Bonnet Temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:30:25 -0800
Well gentlemen, my search for such data is at an end. Martyn Harvey, he of MGB V8 fame, has done exhaustive testing and recorded under bonnet temperatures for all sorts of conditions, bonnet up, bonn
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00051.html (8,615 bytes)

168. Re: Under Bonnet Temp (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 09:54:42 -0800
You see what you don't know is that Rover V8 motors are used as refrigerators in darkest Africa. At 07:33 PM 2/21/05, Charles & Peggy Robinson wrote: I'm sorry but I foind it difficult to believe th
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00058.html (9,917 bytes)

169. Headlights (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 10:19:55 -0800
Folks at world, I bought 7" European style HL1017 (171-HL101) from The Little British Car Co. When I fitted them they were somewhat loose. It appears the rim that butts up is thinner than the standar
/html/mgb-v8/2005-02/msg00068.html (7,172 bytes)

170. MGB (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 15:56:14 -0800
Will the gentleman who is editor of the MGB magazine (not the Brit V8 Newsletter) please send me his email address Regards Barrie Barrie Robinson (705) 721-9060 /// /// mailing
/html/mgb-v8/2005-01/msg00005.html (6,796 bytes)

171. WIndscreen washer unit (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 11:52:15 -0800
Can anyone recommend a source for an all-in-one electric windscreen washer unit for a 1970 MGB....... or a car that has one that fits - which I could find in a scrap yard ? Regards Barrie Robinson MG
/html/mgb-v8/2005-01/msg00007.html (7,170 bytes)

172. Apple Hydraulics (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 11:11:37 -0800
There have been a few emails from listers who said they had had problems with rebuilt brake/clutch cylinders from Apple Hydraulics. I forgot these words of wisdom and did send my MGB cylinders to be
/html/mgb-v8/2005-01/msg00012.html (7,665 bytes)

173. Rising parts prices (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 15:49:39 -0800
Every now and again we get some chat regarding rising prices for the parts we need for our cars. I found that in three years the price of an MGB clutch slave cylinder had gone up 50% - So I did a lit
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00003.html (7,695 bytes)

174. Re: Rising parts prices (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 09:21:54 -0800
If you really want to get scared just look at the products you buy and see where they were made !!! /// /// mailing list /// Send admin requests to ///
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00008.html (13,445 bytes)

175. Looking for a project car (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 14:16:28 -0800
I have a friend who is looking for a car to 'work-on'. So anyone have such a beast please let me know. He is about 80km north of Toronto so something close would be nice but haulage is not out of the
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00022.html (7,024 bytes)

176. Lens for sale (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 15:52:39 -0800
Anyone in need of two 164-805 Lens' for MGB at 1/2 price $15 . Ordered them a while back and now do not need them Regards Barrie Barrie Robinson (705) 721-9060 /// /// mailing l
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00025.html (6,980 bytes)

177. Overrider bolts (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:31:34 -0800
First my many thanks to those who helped me on this problem. I have solved the problem. I had tried getting standard carriage bolts as my first obvious solution -so I did get some SS ones from Home D
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00027.html (7,821 bytes)

178. Sound proofing (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 13:00:19 -0800
Will the lister who was corresponding about sound deadening material please get back to me - I blew away your email by mistake Barrie Robinson MGB GT V8 Aston Martin DB 2/4 MkII Purveyor of O-ring ki
/html/mgb-v8/2004-12/msg00039.html (7,040 bytes)

179. Oil for SD! gearbox? (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 10:17:28 -0800
I cannot find the info related to this question so I suppose I erroneously deleted it! What oil is recommended for my SD1 5 speed gearbox? Barrie Robinson /// ///
/html/mgb-v8/2004-11/msg00002.html (7,221 bytes)

180. Heater shut-off valve (score: 1)
Author: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 09:37:09 -0800
Folks at world, I hate repeating - burp - but it is driving me mad - Who sent me the jpgs of a rather neat heater shut-off ball valve. Besides the file name all I have is that they are dated 15th Sep
/html/mgb-v8/2004-11/msg00009.html (7,344 bytes)

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