- 1. Re: NEB'S "foam job" (score: 1)
- Author: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 17:03:09 -0600
- Jack, John......I used West Marine for the source. We did all the things you did but used Epoxy, graphite and all it's stuff rather than polyester. Stronger but lots more toxic. Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-02/msg00034.html (8,311 bytes)
- 2. Re: Shoooooots (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 18:53:38 -0800
- Don't forget to contact an approved chute supplier (I use Stroud) when you get ready to buy one....or two. The supplier will know what size chute to recommend for your vehicle and speed. Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-02/msg00117.html (7,430 bytes)
- 3. Email address change (score: 1)
- Author: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 18:03:03 -0600
- Please start using saltrat@lubricationdynamics.com instead of saltrat@pro-blend.com to reach me. The old address will remain for a period of time. Thanks, Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-02/msg00244.html (6,382 bytes)
- 4. Re: Piston Slap ? Non LSR (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 08:44:25 -0600
- "Pahrump"....close but no cigar......guest room is ready. Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00011.html (7,560 bytes)
- 5. Re: Rails vs Spoilers (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 11:56:03 -0600
- I agree, the anchor will work....also just keeping the Cg in front of the Cp would make most of the spin problems go away.....but then, that's a design fix...... Skip (too cold to go out and play th
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00040.html (8,905 bytes)
- 6. Re: Rails vs Spoilers (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 15:18:36 -0600
- Hear Hear on the darts and arrows but FWD cars????? I doubt it. A FWD "arrow/dart" flown backwards will still try to turn around. Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00059.html (7,618 bytes)
- 7. Re: TIG welding problems (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 15:20:22 -0600
- I think it is bad steel tubing. Mexican steel is really bad about that.
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00060.html (7,344 bytes)
- 8. RE: "Garman's " Brother? (score: 1)
- Author: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 15:33:29 -0600
- Have to figure out a nick name......I don't think "Maggie" would work....."Magic" is taken but could work just fine.......How about "Mag"??? I like it! What do you think Katie and Keith? Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00061.html (8,237 bytes)
- 9. Re: "Garman's " Brother? (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 16:18:15 -0600
- Edsel????? I guess that I've been out in the desert too long.......
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00064.html (6,940 bytes)
- 10. Re: NON LSR (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 10:15:29 -0600
- I totally agree with you on the 61 year old body thing.....mine is not yet recovered. (-:(-: But then.....mine is almost 63........there are more friends already in Phoenix......and not too far away
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00177.html (8,119 bytes)
- 11. Re: NON LSR (score: 1)
- Author: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 09:32:37 -0600
- I guess we (well some of us) could be considered fossilized salt racers???
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00188.html (7,327 bytes)
- 12. Re: NON LSR (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2004 15:22:30 -0600
- Yep, better than petrified.....fake or not. Course, every time I get on the roof of the shop I am petrified....(-: Skip (71 in Pahrump where it was 32 this AM)
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00202.html (8,081 bytes)
- 13. Re: New BFMS Car Questions (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:19:10 -0600
- Page 17 para 2.G in the 2003 rulebook......not recommended...... by the way, where are the new rulebooks? Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00206.html (8,386 bytes)
- 14. Rulebook Availability (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 19:07:43 -0600
- No but one can always try......it certainly is possible.
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00212.html (6,499 bytes)
- 15. Re: Oil info. (score: 1)
- Author: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 12:31:25 -0600
- And if you want to triple the performance of your oil, synthetic or fossil, call me at 800-697-5896. Or email me. Skip
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00238.html (7,302 bytes)
- 16. Re: 'Blank' Aluminum Radiator Core (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:29:05 -0600
- Try U.S.Radiator 323-826-0965 or Griffin 864-845-1064. Skip else?
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00257.html (7,263 bytes)
- 17. RE: Spoiling For Some Added Downforce (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:51:06 -0600
- Don't forget that "wings" are not allowed on door cars unless they came with one from the factory.......spoilers are different and pretty well defined. I was looking for the angle of attack for a Cam
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00258.html (7,466 bytes)
- 18. RE: Propster (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 10:30:30 -0600
- You guys realize, of course, that prop driven airplanes have gone over 500 MPH????? So why can't a prop driven car go 400 or so???? Problems could be air blast twist and torque but both could be cont
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00275.html (8,344 bytes)
- 19. Re: Propster (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 12:12:25 -0600
- Ron, No they weren't..... Neil, I know that the Sea Fury's engine turns backwards but the only CR props I saw at Reno were on P-51's with Griffin engines. Rare Bear ran 495 at Reno one year I was the
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00284.html (9,151 bytes)
- 20. Re: Down Force Spoiler - - Aeronautics Question (score: 1)
- Author: Skip Higginbotham <saltrat@pro-blend.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 17:45:28 -0600
- Why not? Rulebook says "Device on the rear upper portion of the body". Even the figure could well be the rear of the top. And the next question might be "Why not?". I think that Dick has a valid poi
- /html/land-speed/2004-01/msg00310.html (8,901 bytes)
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