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Total 374 documents matching your query.

141. That Red Hat (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:09:07 -0400
List (and KT in a hat), Are we going to indulge KT with chat about THAT hat for a period or do we remind him that there are numerous hundreads ahead of him on the 200 Club listing? (LOL). And what ab
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00427.html (7,480 bytes)

142. KT's Hat (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:27:53 -0400
Keith and list ......."its just a small hat"......... says Mr 'Red Hat' Keith. Can't see it staying that way friend - it'll grow bigger round the headband as the stories are told. Is there enough adj
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00432.html (6,599 bytes)

143. 200 Hats (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 10:49:52 -0400
In the excitement of KT getting a hat, I missed Jon W amongst the bikers getting his and JD Tone is a name on the roll call of new 200 club members as well. No doubt the Seldom Seen Slim team are on
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00434.html (6,811 bytes)

144. Milk Floats (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 14:38:10 -0400
Just days after the serious business of Bonneville Speedweek Britain held a day of speed for Milk Floats. The electric milk delivery vehicles ran on the concrete airfield of Bruntingthorpe Near Leic
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00513.html (7,690 bytes)

145. Milk Floats (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 16:31:52 -0400
Jim and list, The dictionary here says that a float " is a platform on wheels with show used in processions", but we knew that any way. Whilst it is unclear is "why?" the name 'float' was applied in
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00530.html (7,992 bytes)

146. Pickup Trucks (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 14:11:37 -0400
Jim and List And my Mum said never criticise your guests ............. The Bank's team (GMC S15 'truck) in '89 ran FIA average speeds of 194.838 mph over the kilo (that funny distance that is just a
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00543.html (7,628 bytes)

147. Floats (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 17:18:11 -0400
Jim, KT and List So, we funny 'English' speakers have just motorised a hay cart or two with electrics and had some record breaking fun. What a funny lot we are. Almost as funny as those who go onto a
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00549.html (7,315 bytes)

148. A "New" Venue on another Continent (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 06:47:35 -0400
The 50th issue of the Speed Record Club newsletter carries an article on Verneuk Pan (a dry alkali lake bed) in South Africa by club member Ray Wakefield. Whilst not a new venue - it was used for th
/html/land-speed/2003-08/msg00591.html (9,331 bytes)

149. Aero Engine and British News (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:19:01 -0400
The owner of Thunderbolt claims that the motor is an unsupercharged 27 litre Merlin and is using (although I have yet to read them) Ministry of Defence papers on this engine to substansiate the clai
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00002.html (9,231 bytes)

150. Aero Bentley (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 13:30:57 -0400
The Bentley is testing tomorrow in the hands of owner Graham Moss ahead of its UK records. If all goes well on the UK records in 4 weeks time the target is then the records of the Ab Jenkins Mormon
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00093.html (6,834 bytes)

151. Bentley 24 hour (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 09:06:44 -0400
Wes and List The Nardo track is banked (not extreme, but I have not seen it) - hence hands off speed on a 12.5 kilo - 7.5 miles or so, true circle. The FIA, under whose rules the car will run, will n
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00152.html (8,697 bytes)

152. Tires - Tyres (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 12:24:22 -0400
Graham Moss the owner of the Aero-engined Bentley Thunderbolt will need a supply of tyres for his 24 hour duration bid - whether on concrete (1.5 degree banking Wes) or on salt (flat), during which
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00163.html (8,158 bytes)

153. Production Cars (non USA) (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 15:15:45 -0400
Welcome to the list. Keith Turk will offer a formal welcome when he returns to the list. He's the man who thought this group up and is the butt of many jokes - including wearing a purple fire suit.
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00337.html (7,745 bytes)

154. Skate Car again (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 16:59:26 -0400
Don and List The details that I could obtain about the skatecar built in the UK are as follows. Created by Colin and Mervyn Oldham in Coventry England. Built in 1982. Engine is a 750cc two cylinder T
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00488.html (7,012 bytes)

155. Information about record cars (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 06:30:44 -0400
For a land noted for its Freedom of Information rights the racers responding so far seem much closer to those on this side of the pond. Keep everything that is out of sight secret and tell no one ho
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00497.html (8,525 bytes)

156. Vehicle data & Engine choices (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 13:01:43 -0400
John G & List Where engine swaps are allowed the modern engines from far eastern (to us in the UK) makers can now easily displace the 'traditional' state of the art 16 valve Coswoth Fords and so on.
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00507.html (7,878 bytes)

157. Girlie Cars - Non LSR (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 04:47:25 -0400
Respected newspaper the Times ran an article on "Girlie Cars" today. No mention of the So Al Camaro of Keith Turk! Perhaps they had been informed of the engine bay fire? In fact only road cars count
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00521.html (6,850 bytes)

158. Tyre Testing (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 13:58:31 -0400
I believe the Burklands tested tires for their car. Does anyone have details of the test rig or can they forward this request. The British team with the Thunderbolt Bentley have a number of tyres pr
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00536.html (6,856 bytes)

159. Bentley (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 16:05:31 -0400
Having had no mail today (Thursday) I thought I would check communication as well as inform you of the next UK bid. This Saturday at first light the 'Thunderbolt' Bentley (all 27 litres of it) drive
/html/land-speed/2003-07/msg00744.html (6,853 bytes)

160. LSR Cars on display (score: 1)
Author: Malcolm Pittwood <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 15:45:41 -0400
If after visitng Beaulieu you can venture further north in little old England you can see the John Cobb Railton Mobil Special on its own in Birmingham........Thrust 2 and Thrust SSC in Coventry.....
/html/land-speed/2003-06/msg00348.html (7,822 bytes)

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