we build unlimited tracter pullers run 6 aries blowers alcohol 2000horse we chain them togetrh thru 1 dif we figur 4 nascar motors will do the recrd in unlimited mod pickup aint got to drag no 20 ton
wer alabamans dont no nutin abot no ariydynmacats but i kin tel you how to put 6 motors in a puler an hardli ever brak how com we cantp ut 6 motors inour pickup yu guys ar so pikky pikky pikky Bubba
yu guys wnt me to whoop that califonina dude keth so he kin tel yu im furreal i dontl ikehim anway my dady didt teash me muc but i kin kik as boogiewoogie12 yu a fo fo dancr er sumpin Bubba
I seen this Glen dude insult people all the time Now hes insutded us by saying we are Alabama hicks!!!!!!! does this sorry sonofabitch show up at bonneville he needs his ass woopd good what a prick s
you can have your fun with your california buddy but you still insulted us appoplogiz don twork here for that and you are a prick suckr to us and my names not gator thatswhat ido Bubba
you said the maqic word beer thank you we got us a little ol pickup that we are puttn some of those nascar motors in we figure 4 or 5 of them otta do ti bubba