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References: [ 320 ]

Total 320 documents matching your query.

41. Re: [Healeys] Fw: Water Fuel ( YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS) Big Oil will (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 20:48:57 -0700
What to buy a bridge? I can get you a nice orange up up San Francisco way if you are interested. _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net Heale
/html/healeys/2008-04/msg00698.html (7,810 bytes)

42. Re: [Healeys] ANZAC Day: Was wiper blades (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 21:06:10 -0700
Thank you for your service. Rick _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net
/html/healeys/2008-04/msg00700.html (8,170 bytes)

43. Re: [Healeys] Fw: Water Fuel ( YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS) Big Oil will (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:01:30 -0700
Such a device violates the laws. Not state or federal, but rather the laws of Physics. The common term for such a device is a perpetual motion machine. I
/html/healeys/2008-04/msg00705.html (7,688 bytes)

44. Re: [Healeys] fridays funnies (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 09:32:25 -0700
That was actually why British Leyland never built TV sets. Along with that in 1975 Lucas came out with a home vacuum cleaner. It was the only product they ever produced that didn't suck. ____________
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00245.html (7,954 bytes)

45. Re: [Healeys] Healey motors. (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 19:16:50 -0700
Well if my memory is playing tricks, it was TR-2 and Tr-3 that had Fergerson tractor motors. Massive wet sleeve motors that were pretty much bullet proof. Rick _______________________________________
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00550.html (8,594 bytes)

46. Re: [Healeys] Computer Question (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:50:47 -0700
As others have said, Norton is a resource hog. It can also be a cast iron SOB to remove from your system. Add remove programs just won't get all of it out, and this may cause issues/non-installs/free
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00654.html (8,969 bytes)

47. Re: [Healeys] Global Warming and where did the gas go? (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 18:54:37 -0700
So change your name to Ed George France. And you can change your shop name to Just Brits, Indy Cars, and Nascar. _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00717.html (8,518 bytes)

48. Re: [Healeys] Global Warming and where did the gas go? (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 19:15:10 -0700
Ed, do I have to teach you everything? Change your name, show up an Indy. Find A George and yell, Cousin, how you doing? Lather rinse repeat at a NASCAR track with a France. ________________________
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00721.html (8,458 bytes)

49. Re: [Healeys] Not Healey (Back to Gas) (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 06:32:49 -0700
Steve nailed it, you put fuel into the head space. Then there was the time the pump said I put 18+ gallons into my MGB. When I saw the pump reading, I freaked and opened the trunk expecting to find i
/html/healeys/2008-05/msg00903.html (8,312 bytes)

50. Re: [Healeys] ethanol (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 15:38:21 -0700
Have you got a cite from somewhere other than a crackpot site that back up this accusation that R-134 is worse for the environment than R-12? I'm in the industry,and I have never heard that. Rick ___
/html/healeys/2008-06/msg00482.html (7,690 bytes)

51. Re: [Healeys] Mr. Bill returns - in a limited capacity! (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 05:26:07 -0700
They didn't install a Lucas pacemaker did they? glad you are better, take care. Rick _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net Healeys@autox.tea
/html/healeys/2008-06/msg00781.html (7,868 bytes)

52. Re: [Healeys] Why did they make it like that? (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 19:30:17 -0700
On most cars built in other countries, I would agree with you. But on something British, I am going to stick with they had an excess of square holes and a shortage of round holes. Rick _____________
/html/healeys/2008-06/msg00807.html (9,931 bytes)

53. Re: [Healeys] Replacement Radiator Fan (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 22:02:14 -0700
I had a SS fan on one of my cars once. Worked great, but noisy as hell at _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net http:
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00057.html (8,995 bytes)

54. Re: [Healeys] Finding TDC (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 15:36:44 -0700
With all the plugs out, turning the engine too far really isn't a problem. Just use a decent sized wrench or ratchet, turn slowly and it is pretty simple. It's not like you are using the starter moto
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00234.html (9,712 bytes)

55. Re: [Healeys] [Mgs] Who Wants to Drive a Millionaire? (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:55:02 -0700
_______________________________________________ Support Team.Net
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00356.html (7,492 bytes)

56. Re: [Healeys] Question for Shop Owners / Restorers Only - OD (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 20:58:17 -0700
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 8:40 PM, Richard Ewald <> _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net http:/
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00513.html (11,325 bytes)

57. Re: [Healeys] Fw: Overdrive (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 09:41:33 -0700
Actually both the J and P type OD were not only used on 240s but also 240 Turbo and 700 turbos. 161-163 horsepower depending on year. Not a throttle switch in sight. As Charlie said, different stroke
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00740.html (7,656 bytes)

58. Re: [Healeys] reversing polarity 66 BJ8 (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 19:40:06 -0700
No, No, no. It becomes an underdrive. _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00777.html (10,300 bytes)

59. Re: [Healeys] Oil leak at clutch housing (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:42:21 -0700
Even though you might be tempted, do not try to adjust the points on your Lucas distributor using a 3lb. sledge hammer. How did I do? :-) Rick _______________________________________________ Support
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00865.html (8,821 bytes)

60. Re: [Healeys] oil pressure (score: 1)
Author: "Richard Ewald" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 21:56:05 -0700
The bypass valve and spring only limit the maximum pressure, they do not control the pressure at idle (Unless the valve itself is leaking) Low indicated oil pressure at (hot) idle can be from just a
/html/healeys/2008-07/msg00866.html (10,040 bytes)

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