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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Undercoating (score: 1)
Author: Jerry Barr <>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 12:13:31 -0600
This conversation reminds me of the time I cut the floor pan form an Austin Healey Sprite. I started a small fire under the car and thought to myself, no matter I will just reach up under the car and
/html/fot/1999-02/msg00083.html (7,818 bytes)

2. 1972 GT6 Head (score: 1)
Author: Jerry Barr <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 12:10:07 -0600
Hello Listers, I am rebuilding the engine in Scotts 1972 GT6. In Kastners book the GT6+ has a combustion chamber depth of .425", and should be milled to .385". The head on the 72 has a depth of .678"
/html/fot/1999-02/msg00125.html (6,866 bytes)

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