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References: [ 132 ]

Total 132 documents matching your query.

61. Re: Vintage racing pictures (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 14:40:06 -0700 (PDT)
Thanks Mike.. Well just like the song from the group called Heart...Uhhhh Barracuda... Not to many racers campaining a 66 Plymouth Barracuda.. Well since Im unemployed and broke..the mercedes might a
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-09/msg00520.html (7,611 bytes)

62. synthetic oil (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 00:22:20 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, Anyone running synthetic oil on their roadster?/ Any recommendation ? which brand and which oil filter should I use with it?? Thanks, Raul -- SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! //
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-07/msg00052.html (6,539 bytes)

63. oil filter???same on a 1600 and 2000??? (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 16:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, Just wondering if the oil filter on a 1600 are the same as the 2000 oil filter..?? Thanks, Raul -- SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month! /// mailing l
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-07/msg00179.html (6,714 bytes)

64. will not going to make it to shasta (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 16:31:08 -0700 (PDT)
Hello All, Im sure all of you are going to be disappointed..;) I will not make it to shasta this year.. I have manage dto mess up my ankle somehow. I was hoping that it would get better towards the e
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-07/msg00204.html (6,896 bytes)

65. Roadster Sighting in YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK!!!!!! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 12:46:49 -0700 (PDT)
Looks like the same roadster that was in that Classic Motorsports Magazine.. The one thats owned by a" Not a Real Datsun Owner.". What a beautiful place for a roadster sighting.. Cant really beat the
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-07/msg00458.html (7,672 bytes)

66. Re: Rollbar Color opinions wanted! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 20:11:21 -0700 (PDT)
Hey Alvin.. I like gun metal..but the silver looks better with your matches the panasport.. What about purple..with a yellow stripe....;) Raul....i have one with a white rollbar..another with
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-06/msg00057.html (7,568 bytes)

67. 68/69 Roadster dash switches.. (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 17:30:18 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Everyone, Does anyone have a picture of the dash including the radio console of a tall windshield car??that tells what the different switches are supposed to do?? My 68/69 switches or buttons t
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-06/msg00079.html (7,838 bytes)

68. Shasta show dates?? (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 00:22:54 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Again , Is the Shasta Show on July 11 and 12.which is a friday and a saturday..?? Or is it also of sunday..on the 13th..?? Thanks, Raul -- Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). /// dat
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-06/msg00191.html (6,820 bytes)

69. Dash light bulbs.. (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 00:25:25 -0700 (PDT)
What is the bulb number of the dash light bulbs on a 67.5 roadster.. I took one out and I could find the number... Thanks in Advance.. Raul -- Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). /// dats
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-06/msg00192.html (6,823 bytes)

70. where to mount speakers in a 1967.5 1600 (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:30:26 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Friends and Neighbors, And If youre not in those categories..please ignore..;) Im trying to get ideas on where to put stereo speakers in my roadster. I have been driving it without any for a ye
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-06/msg00249.html (7,611 bytes)

71. Comp Springs.. (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 22:20:36 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Everyone, Im sure this has probably been discussed before on the list..But since I didnt pay attention ...Im going to ask it .. I was looking at a couple of sets of comp springs....One set has
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00013.html (6,975 bytes)

72. brake/clutch one person bleeder kit.. (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 12:10:31 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Everyone, Happy Monday....Would like to get some recomendation on a bleeder kit..Looking for one that works well when bleeding brakes and clutchby only one person.. Thanks in Advance.. Raul --
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00180.html (7,254 bytes)

73. On Sunday...Summer officially started for me...... (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 01:58:59 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Fellow Datsun Listers.. Sunday ..Summer officially started for me...and I have the racoon face to prove it... I was fortunate enough to be included in a group of cars that a new magazine was ph
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00422.html (8,616 bytes)

74. Re: Next issue for the roadsters! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 10:53:17 -0700 (PDT)
Did everyone get the post that I sent out about the magazine shoot?? Or maybe Paul missed it?? Paul did you get the post titled Sunday ...The summer officially started for me.. Its weird that after
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00429.html (9,263 bytes)

75. Re: Next issue for the roadsters! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 15:17:13 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Mike... Sorry about that.. Lets see if this one works.. Thanks, Raul Mike -- The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ///
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00437.html (8,389 bytes)

76. Re: Next issue for the roadsters! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 22:04:44 -0700 (PDT)
I had over 80 views on my album..and the only one that reply to my original post was Calspeed.. Why is guys hate me because im beautiful?? And everyone is replying to Paul's post.. You guy
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-05/msg00450.html (9,388 bytes)

77. not charging... (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 18:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Again, I have a 67 1600..that likes to drain the battery dead.. It has a newly rebuilt alternator..but for some reason its not charging it.. It doesnt even show on the dash indicator..the its c
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-04/msg00092.html (6,961 bytes)

78. Re: <OT> Wanna buy a customized 240Z !! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:46:29 -0700 (PDT) stands for Raul's Roadsters Owner Club wrote:What the hell is RROC? Do we have a new club out there? Lou Smaldino 69-2000 66-1600 -- Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculato
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-04/msg00125.html (8,290 bytes)

79. Re: Funky gas tank (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 21:55:34 -0700 (PDT)
I had the same problem with my 67 1600.. When I have a full tank of gas its fine ..but when it gets down to a half a will just die and will not start till the gas tank gets stirred
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-04/msg00127.html (8,334 bytes)

80. Re: SOLVANG '03 PICS UP! (score: 1)
Author: Roadster Dude <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 00:24:22 -0700 (PDT)
Great Pics as usual Alvin... Thanks for posting them and also putting captions on them..Telling the story ...Makes people feel like they were there.. Again Thanks for posting them... And thanks for n
/html/datsun-roadsters/2003-04/msg00448.html (7,558 bytes)

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