I have thought of it. Many moons ago I owned a 66 corvette that had a side exhaust. I liked it alot on that car. I have wondered how it could work on a roadster. Thats as far as I have taken it. Guy
Hi Paul, I remade mine. I used a dremel tool and ground out the old rubber from inside the metal cup washer. I then cut a replacement washer to size and glued a high density, neoprene washer inside w
Come on! They look soooo cool. So ya can't hear anything (ever) and you have burned all the flesh off your ankles. Ya look cooool. That said, I'm gonna run mine though a Flowmaster out the rear end
Thanks. Sounds interesting to me. I will call them. I worry about junk plugging up my rebuilt 3 core radiator. I need all the cooling I can get. Guy Tempe, Az
Hi Karl, I know that CDM the LesDennis guys have roll bars (or they were going to have some made) If I remember correctly they were $225. to $250. or so + shipping. Dean also has some at Ralle. I saw
I have two 1600 engines, out of the car, and in various states of repair. You are welcome to come by and compare my stuff with your stuff. I am in Tempe. Guy.
My sincecre condolences. Been there, done that, but never in the top of an engine block. Do they make diamond tipped drill bits in that size? It's going to take something very, very hard to cut that
Sears recently advertised a new type of easy out. I missed buying them on sale by a day. So I decided to wait. Their literature claims that they work real well. Of course, the "easy out" propaganda w
That is a very slick idea! Thanks for the tip. You can bet it will come in handy on at least one bolt where I have a snapped an easy off (on the door frame). Thank you. Guy
Ya right! Is this is another April fools joke in June? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....and I'll find out where ya live... Now, If you aren't fooling....too cool. Whats he got and send p