Oregon Boundary Claim An agreement between the United States and Great Britain, the Convention of 1818, had provided for joint occupation of the Oregon country. Within a few years, however, many Amer
I do things with my car: Like > 01. Plead with it not to die. 02. Tell it, it is sharp looking but needs plastic surgery. (Lots) 03. Play with the carbs when it won't start. 04. Play with the carbs w
Hi Gang! With the low selection of four lug wheels out there I wanted to know how to go to 5 lugs. Things like what part do I have to change and what type of donor car does it come from? This would b
I liked it. Here's one for ya I haven't seen till I moved here. Elderly, driving all shapes, sizes and mods of golf carts (in place of automobiles) on the streets. Sun City, Arizona They're Driven to
Morning all! I know this subject has been covered before, which is why the other day I spent hours in the archives and different sites for pictures of wheels other than stock. Ended up reading a lot
Do any of you know where there is a site with a head on, close up picture of a roadster with it's top up? I'm trying to see what it's suppose to look like sitting on the front of the windshild frame.