I've been using silicone fluid in my Roadster for 20+ years and I have had absolutley no problems. The fluid sold today is better than the stuff I used the first time as it has less bubbles and resul
If your harmonic balancer moved use a vacuum gauge providing you have a stock cam and not a Solex cam or other HP grind. If you don't have the vacuum gauge then advance the timing until you get pingi
I think you need to use more 'persuasion' to coax the wheel off. I used a big rubber mallet to get mine off and on another car I used a leather mallet for more persuasion, Hitting each side a bit at
Buy a good fan as they're not created =. I tested many and the best I have bought is a 13" Spal from www.racerpartswholesale.com Not cheap but the best. $150 Mike
I agree with Tom. Brakes are far toooo important to screw with. If the person can't afford new rear cylinders he should sell the car. Period. Not only does his life depend on them but so does everyon
There are several things that can cause dieseling. Too much compression caused by a cut head, sharp edges in the combustion chambers that get hot and act like a spark plug continuing the combustion p
I hate to say it but I don't think that it's a ground problem. I have several additional ground straps and very very occassionaly I get the same exact problem. All my ground connections are clean and
7/8 = 24mm. Yes it could be either metric or sae. A great tool(s) to have is thread pitch measurement sets to figure if it's metric or sae. I have used them several times when I was stumped as to wha
I use MTL 90 and we don't have soft metals in the trannies although the borg warners might. The tranny you have is a steel so there's no problem. Redline also makes a 75/90NS which has no sulphur (sp