The 4 speed and 5 speed rubber mounts are the same height but the metal mounts are different. You need to use tthe taller metal mount to keep the geometry correct. Mike
Bigger intake valves would slow down velocity but provides greater flow which hurts the bottom and helps the top end. A good 3 angle valve job also helps a lot. I radiussed the exhaust ports and poli
there are some specialty U-bolt suppliers out there and they may be able to help you. I'd do a google search. I don't have any links but I also did a search a few months back and came up with some re
If you have a bunch of stuff to plate it's better to send it to a plater as it's a very slow process. I just had about 20#s of stuff plated and it cost me $60. Mike
Peak production. According to several analysts peak production has already been reached in Saudi Arabia which is why there output has declined in recent years and why it is harder for them to extract
I remember having a discussion with Joe Curto many moons ago and he said the pistons and domes were matched sets. They weren't machined to fit but by pick and test they assembled the sets. I have an
Gettin them to fit is only half the problem as you need to get the spindles to fit and BJs to accept them. I'm sure it can be done by someone w/fabricating skills. Mike
While I hate to disagree with my friend Tom I doubt performance will be noticeably affected. The 1600 rear is 3.9 and the 2000 is 3.7. Not that much of a difference. If the spread was greater I would
I noticed that in my stroker too. Pretty new dizzy and a Pertonix installed. I installed Gary Boone's dizzy and the problem was much less. I think it's in the construction of the stock dizzys as ther
Paris bid to ban designer jeepsThe French finally take a stand I agree with!! PARIS, France -- Bulky, gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles (SUVs) could be banned from the chic but traffic-clogged str
Since it has already been used there's not much you can do to preserve it except clean it out w/fresh brake fluid and make sure all the bores are clean as well as the reservoir. Just keep it in a dry