MSC Industrial Supply sells 'Vitube' hose by the foot. I've used it and it works well and is as good as the original tubing but slightly thinner. Do not continue to use your car until you replace the
I turned on the TV and saw the damage caused by Katrina and it stunned me. Stunned me. I hope we all can dig into our pockets in some way to help these people out. Judging from past natural disasters
I had my MGB windshield frame powdercoated in 'Super Chrome' which is a 2 stage process. This may be a viable alternative if the chrome parts you have are heavily pitted. Although it looks great it w
I wonder if the oil companies and refiners will forsake massive profit opportunities to ease the shock of the price increases. I am also thinking that oil shortages will happen, much like the 70s. I
Sorry if I offended anyone but I do like get people to think and to get riled up about something other than who should be the next Survivor or the Apprentice or who shoulda won the dance contest :) C
Put a sail on it and make it wind powered :) Listening to TV I was informed of gas shortages already happening and gas spiking to $5 per in some areas. The local authorities should arrest those peopl
Occidental Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:OXY) announced today that it is donating $1 million to the American Red Cross. My take: Occidental earned $2,570 million last year so they donated 1/2,570 of th
Too many people think that a Drivers License is a right and not a privilege. The way people drive it's obvious an intelligence test should also be given before allowing someone to take the drivers te
FWIW, I always pull into the left hand lane when I see a car merging onto the road and I keep my left turn signal on so that he sees me and knows what I am doing. I also slow down and plan for a 'wha
An MG buddy sent me this and I think it can apply to our cars also :) Mike -- Original Message -- A poem for grand kids of MG owners: Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar, My Grandpa drives a rusty car, Pre
I then apologize. i think mike, that you have it wrong. andrew said the old guy in the mercedes was making a left to put him going in the same direction as andrew. that would mean the old guy in the
I think they supply parts for MGs too from the description of their quality I bought a hood release but I couldn't get the release to release despite putting it in a vise and pulling and pulling. It
The biggest problem is that most 4 cylinder cars use dual carbs but MGs and several other Brit cars used single setups which may be of some help. I brought an old Honda Civic with a single Weber side