One suggestion with regards to potluck. You might want to assign food categories otherwise you end up with 12 potato salads.....from the supermarket deli. Tom Walter's is right, FOOD does encourage
Should the starter be overhauled from time to time by opening and relubing or anything else? I know they are hard to get out but it probably would be easier now than later in my case. Linda
Losing a screw in the garage has never caused more trouble: specifically the long screws holding the stock alternator together, two got lost. Anyone have some to sell? They are 5mm x0.75mm according
That is a beautiful area, the Smokey Mountains, I was there in April and it looked like the attached. Lots of great driving roads too. Linda [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/jpeg wh
Any tips for removing the thermostat housing? We need to remove it replace the thermostat and reinstall hopefully in a way that will allow easier removal next time. thanks, Linda
My friend Jason and I were laughing about all the things we'd need to do to be able to go to Shasta. So then we thought what about a "virtual trip" where we just sent an e-mail photo of exactly wher
Pam and Paul, You are so lucky that you have a Sonic burger where you live. I went to one in Tenn. and I loved it. I'm waiting for them to put one here in my part of Los Angeles. Well at least we hav
The weekend project is to check and clean the alternator. I did not see anything in the archives on how to rebuild or even steps to check it, just "take it to a reputable rebuilder". Gee, how is any