Speaking of wiring harnesses....... Harnesses Unlimited has 50' of about 12 different colors of PVC coated auto wire covered with cloth to simulate the original wiring on my '37 Bentley. This goes fo
Speaking of screws for the Bugeye..... I need to put the door panels in my MGA. I have the screws but I need "cup washers". The local Ace Hardware has these but they're toob big and shaped incorrectl
I read that during the Roman times a rude gesture was made by forming the hand into a fist and inserting the thumb between the index finger and the medial finger. I guess human society just needs a g
one of the guys in our MG Registry here in Atlanta uses a hammer made by Stanley. It has a nylon head and is weighted with lead shot. He says it works perfectly and doesn't hurt his chrome. Cheers..
Seems like I remember that the Gov. decided that knock-offs are a safety hazard. The knock-offs on the '65 Mustang were some of the last of the fake knock-offs allowed. A car with real or fake knock-
I vaguely remember seeing an American car in England with side mirrors on the door the way they came from the factory and also mirrors out on the fender near the wheel wells. I mentioned it to an Eng
I have a slightly different problem. There was no factory color for 1937 Bentleys. Each one was made for a particular customer and was painted whatever color they wanted. I saw a list of the colors u
One of the members of the Peachtree MG Registry has a purple MGB. It's beautiful. It's very dark purple. When I first saw it though I could not believe that it was a factory color. It seems awfully n
I lived in Birmingham, England in '71-'72 and the BIG color then was Aubergine. Girls wore Aubergine lipstick, nail polish, I still have a ski coat that I bought there that is Aubergine. Maybe that's
Having lived in Englind for a year, allow me to tactfully and in a sensitive manner translate. The "fanny", if I remember correctly is 180 degrees away from the American fanny. A more pleasing expres
I know the "fanny" discussion is related to lbc's butt I can't remember how ! Ray, their bodies aren't different just their words are. 'Come to think of it .... I don't Know that their bodies aren't
There's something I've been wondering about. Are we on the information super highway or is this just a side road ? How can I get on the Shwy ? Just wondering ... Don Mathis