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References: [ +from:mrosneck@apd.MENTOR.COM: 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. Tennessee Walking Horses (score: 1)
Author: sequent!mrosneck@apd.MENTOR.COM (Mark Rosneck)
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 09:37:25 PDT
I thought I would update y'all on our Tennessee Walking Horses .... excuse me?.. Isn't this net.equine? .... Oh, I need an obligatory British car tie-in!?! Well, alright. Since you asked. The first t
/html/british-cars/1990-08/msg00247.html (7,499 bytes)

2. Shake, rattle and roll (score: 1)
Author: mrosneck@apd.MENTOR.COM (Mark Rosneck)
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90 09:32:28 PDT
I have had a nagging problem for quite a while with my 74 MGB involving a vibration in the "steering wheel" (ie: All I really know is that the steering wheel vibrates pretty hard under various condit
/html/british-cars/1990-07/msg00250.html (7,524 bytes)

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