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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. MGB cross member (score: 1)
Author: Sasa Buvac <buvac@SAIL.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 21:38:55 -0700
Yesterday I pulled the engine in my 74.5 MGB, replaced the clutch, and put the engine right back. The entire operation went smoothly although I have never done this before. However, today was not so
/html/british-cars/1994-06/msg00284.html (6,498 bytes)

2. Rust Converters (score: 1)
Author: buvac@SAIL.Stanford.EDU
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 20:25:43 PST
How long will rust converter protect a surface, it is NOT painted over? This is my situation. I am not ready to undertake a complete paint job, but would like to stop rust from forming on a few areas
/html/british-cars/1994-02/msg00525.html (6,968 bytes)

3. MGB clutch (score: 1)
Author: Sasa Buvac <>
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 93 20:48:42 -0800
I need to replace the clutch in a 74 1/2 MGB (the clutch is slipping). Would you recommend pulling out the engine with or without the transmission? Thanks. SASA
/html/british-cars/1993-12/msg00078.html (6,533 bytes)

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