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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Car Shows and $$$ (score: 1)
Date: 14 Jul 94 16:28 EDT
California seems like a long way to go to save $10. Sounds like the exception that proves the rule to me. Tell you what. You bring your car down to British Motorfest and we'll waive your entry fee t
/html/british-cars/1994-07/msg00346.html (7,831 bytes)

2. Re: famous quotes (score: 1)
Date: 3 Jun 94 10:11 EDT
Not to mention Jean Shepard. Can you imagine a car mag with Shepard, Yates (in his prime), Walker, Pete Lyons, Setright, and Satch Carlson on staff. I'd take a lifetime subscription! Rik, living wist
/html/british-cars/1994-06/msg00084.html (8,242 bytes)

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