Is this the same guy who gave a tire seminar at the Nats a couple years ago whose answers to most every question ranged from "maybe" to "it depends"? Eric -- Original Message -- people.
== Because bikes can be quite useful in the paddock at the Nats and we've yet to see a really good "CP" paddock-bike yet. I'm envisioning something with at least 3 beer, er, beverage holders (prefer
I think he was also somewhat displeased with its action/performance upon deceleration, and was therefore researching alternatives. And for the price, they had better damnwell be good about warranty i
-- Original Message -- == Ahh, for my money you can sell ProSolo to that other "Pro" racing organization and let the SCCA get focused back on grassroots autocrossing, where we should be! Eric
--Original Message-- Whether or not Pro Solo _should_ be run by the SEB is obviously a subject that can be debated. I would suggest that if you think Pro Solo should fall under the SEB then you shoul
-- Original Message -- == It does?? I have Adobe Reader version 6.0.2 and when I highlight the text adn attempt to "right click" it, in order to paste it somewhere else, the "copy to clipboard" func
I'll give you this one data point. Grassroots Motorsports is the ONLY magazine I receive that I always read cover to cover. Every single page gets read, sometimes twice. Not even my Playboy subscript
--Original Message-- The first "S" in STS stands for "Street." If you want to remove cats and use light flywheels, SCCA has a non street legal category for you. It's called SP. == But Charlie, what a
Fabreeze is your good friend indeed. :^) But when it gets too funky, donate it to your club for use as a loaner. It didn't take too many times of putting on those greasy loaner brain-buckets for me t
-- Original Message -- == Ahh, the early 90's was before my time with the SCCA. And $1500?? YIKES! No wonder it failed miserably. That's a hella big ticket price. Hmm, I'm sure the autographed doodad
== Ahh, and you want something that's cheaper to crash. Like a Miata. ;^) Eric (not a hairdresser) Linnhoff in KC '98 Mini-Viper #69 STS
-- Original Message -- == Speaking of............. Hey Sam, what are your thoughts on that FX1 seat? Have you sat in one? I was considering one last Spring and then I sat in one. I thought it felt fa