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Total 33 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Traction in a can??? (was Re: Re Tire Warmers) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 13:26:05 -0400
you hard. Read here for an opinion on the stuff from somebody that doesn't sell it... Formula V Traction Treatment works as advertised! I used it last year on my 3 year old BFG R1s (started treatmen
/html/autox/2000-10/msg00192.html (7,899 bytes)

2. GPS and Big Brother Hysteria (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 18:14:30 -0400
Toyota's got enough of a black box in the current GT-S to tell how fast these guys are going that miss the 6-5 downshift, hit third and destroy the tranny.... Has saved them some warranty repairs al
/html/autox/2000-10/msg00791.html (7,394 bytes)

3. Got my RE71's put on (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2000 10:37:17 -0400
The once so them I loved my RE71s (OEM tire for '91 MR2), but they are no longer made in 14" :-( Great in summer (better than Yokohama AVS-i), and I even made it through 3 North West Ohio winters on
/html/autox/2000-08/msg00176.html (7,327 bytes)

4. Re: Subject: MR2 crash bolt problems (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 11:33:23 -0400
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:13:51 PDT "Dick Willy" <> WOW!!! Time for new crash bolts!!! I've only been using them for three years (6 alignments) and mine are still OK. How many alignm
/html/autox/2000-07/msg00014.html (6,707 bytes)

5. MR2 - A032R tire pressure for street/auto-x ??? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 11:40:06 -0400
Subject pretty much says it... What kind of air pressure are you A032R users running? Is it a high pressure, or low pressure tire??? TIA, Brian P.S. Just got mine the other day... They are AWESOME in
/html/autox/2000-07/msg00156.html (6,863 bytes)

6. MR2 MKII alignment slipping (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 12:01:05 -0400
Took a drive today and I suspect that the toe on my MR2 is slipping... I had a problem where the dealer thinks that they put 1/2" toe out on the front instead of the 1/16" I asked for (last month), b
/html/autox/2000-07/msg00160.html (7,560 bytes)

7. Re: MR2 MKII alignment slipping (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 17:46:14 -0400
My steering wheel is always off-center (right rear is a little bit bent on my MR2) :-) But yes, it was more than usual... I ended up just having the stock bolts put back in... The A032Rs didn't reall
/html/autox/2000-07/msg00515.html (8,269 bytes)

8. Re: Police The issue (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 19:30:33 -0400
On a really odd note... I almost got run over by a DOT truck yesterday... I stopped for a red light and must not have seen the light change or me stopping. As I reached a stop, I hear tires squealin
/html/autox/2000-07/msg00788.html (8,600 bytes)

9. MR2 MKII 5pt harness? (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 18:09:19 -0400
A Schroth Rallye-3 (technically 3pt., but is a shoulder harness too) can be made to fit for auto-x easily, but would not be safe enough for track use. Brian __________
/html/autox/2000-06/msg00005.html (6,647 bytes)

10. Kumho 712 vs RE-730 vs RE-71 (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 18:41:03 -0400
It nearly broke my heart when they stopped making them in MR2 sizes last year :-( :-( :-( Yokohama AVS-Is fit, but just aren't the same (RE71s are usable in the snow, AVS-Is are NOT)... Falken Z-502
/html/autox/2000-06/msg00544.html (7,277 bytes)

11. RE: Car Insurance (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 19:15:56 -0400
After several conversations with my Nationwide agent (and some "underwriter" person in some big office somewhere)... They will cover it if a few conditions are met: 1) NO money can be directly made
/html/autox/2000-06/msg00595.html (8,795 bytes)

12. wheel studs? (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 18:31:37 -0400
but Try your dealer? I can run over to my Toyota dealer and buy longer studs (off of a LandCruiser I believe)... Brian ________________________________________________
/html/autox/2000-06/msg00798.html (6,951 bytes)

13. Lies & SM (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 18:30:07 -0400
Tour I'd like to see SM go national... However, I'd also like to be eligible for it!!! SM seems to embody the principle that I have had in mind with my car as I (very) slowly add new "toys" to it...
/html/autox/2000-06/msg00799.html (7,243 bytes)

14. Re: "used" S 2000 (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:53:18 -0400
Probably ordered it sight unseen (like everyone else since no dealers ever seem to have had any to show off) and after receiving it found out that no one bigger than one of those munchkins from the
/html/autox/2000-06/msg01108.html (8,604 bytes)

15. General list comment - Pro Solo / SoloII (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 19:49:19 -0400
After following catching up on the activity in the digest after I few days away from the computer, I think I've determined the difference between "Pro Solo" and "SoloII"... SoloII (or Solo2 if you ar
/html/autox/2000-06/msg01762.html (7,253 bytes)

16. Re: General list comment - now "whinefest 2K!" (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:24:39 -0400
Shouldn't those CS Miata's be faster than a CS MR2?? I thought there was a reason the Miatas were in BS before!!! ;-) ;-) Those poor MR2 owners stuck with no power in an overweight, overly wide car s
/html/autox/2000-06/msg01837.html (7,536 bytes)

17. Re: Antiseize on wheel studs causes binding? (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:38:36 -0400
I had to use anti-seize because the lugnuts would rust on everytime it rains... Haven't had any problems with dirt or anything. Had a couple that kinda stuck, but NOTHING compared to like they did b
/html/autox/2000-06/msg01847.html (8,726 bytes)

18. Specs for MR2 Supercharged? (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 18:43:02 -0400
rated at torque I've got the info somewhere, but don't know where :-/ Pretty sure wheel size is 14x6 and that T-tops/power were required in '89, but not sure about '88... Think there may have been s
/html/autox/2000-06/msg01849.html (7,389 bytes)

19. Subject: MR2 crash bolt problems (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:20:03 -0400
Losing as in "changes over time" or as in "can't get as much -camber"? Since getting my Bilsteins, I can only get -2.7 when I used to get -3... Haven't had any problem with them slipping... (I DID h
/html/autox/2000-06/msg02091.html (6,816 bytes)

20. BFG "Team T/A" (score: 1)
Author: Brian C Knoblauch <>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 19:06:50 -0400
Whatever happened to the ol' BFGoodrich Team T/A thing... I haven't seen a newsletter in months... Are they still doing that, or should I go ahead and throw out my magnetics and Team T/A card? Brian
/html/autox/2000-05/msg00477.html (6,532 bytes)

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