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Total 45 documents matching your query.

1. Holbay question (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 06:55:30 EDT
Hi guys I'm sure I've seen the answer to this quesiton somewhere but can't find it.. Can standard Series 4 or 5 manifolds be used on a Holbay H120 head ? thanks Mark
/html/alpines/2003-05/msg00043.html (7,237 bytes)

2. V6 Alpines in UK? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 05:32:15 EST
Have any British RHD cars done a Ford V6 conversion? I'm really keen to hear from anyone that has. thanks and rgds Mark S IV
/html/alpines/2003-04/msg00002.html (6,195 bytes)

3. New Restoration Website (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 05:58:32 EDT
This is my first contribution to Classics on the Internet, admittedly it's not Sunbeam but I promise to add a little section for my forthcoming V6 Alpine conversion at some stage. <A HREF="www.scimi
/html/alpines/2003-04/msg00093.html (6,486 bytes)

4. Re: Weber Carbs (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003 15:06:35 EST
I picked up a nearly new Weber 32/36 DGV from Ebay for about $60 and just rejetted it - very easy. rgds Mark Series 4
/html/alpines/2003-03/msg00023.html (6,590 bytes)

5. Pinewood Derby - British style (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:20:58 EST
We don't quite get into the spirit of things to quite the same extent over We did, I remember, have `bogey races` - which generally consisted of a plank of wood, four old pram wheels and very high te
/html/alpines/2003-02/msg00024.html (6,668 bytes)

6. Replacement parts - Dizzy Cap & Coil (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:26:16 EST
Does anyone have Lucas (or other) reference numbers for replacement distributor cap and coil for use on Series 4 (guess it's the same as a Series 5) thanks Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful 2003
/html/alpines/2003-01/msg00016.html (6,410 bytes)

7. Engine recommission - advice? (Not Alpine) (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 04:46:42 EST
This weekend I'll be taking delivery of a 1968 Reliant Scimitar Coupe fitted with a Ford 3lite V6. The car hasn't moved in 18years but the engine turns by hand. Are there any special precautions to
/html/alpines/2003-01/msg00062.html (6,977 bytes)

8. Fuel leak at Carburretor - Not Alpine (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:28:59 EST
Firstly thanks for all the tips and advice I received regarding my previous I'm delighted to say I got the engine running last night (first time it's turned in 18yrs) and it registered good oil press
/html/alpines/2003-01/msg00208.html (6,962 bytes)

9. Re: Engine Swaps in Countries Other than the USA (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 13:25:48 EDT
As far as I'm aware - here in the UK it will not lead to an MOT failure, the MOT is a test of the cars roadworthiness. Officially the change in the engine number and the vehicles engine capacity shou
/html/alpines/2002-09/msg00021.html (8,337 bytes)

10. Anyone running a Weber 32/36 DGV on SeriesIV ? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 08:46:12 EDT
I've just a acquired a Weber 32/36 to replace the Solex on my standard 1592cc Series IV engine, I'm told the the original throttle linkage will work but I don't know the the correct sizes to re-jet
/html/alpines/2002-09/msg00046.html (6,780 bytes)

11. Fwd: Jet sizes for Weber 32/36DGV on 1592cc Sunbeam Alpine? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 04:54:34 EDT
I just got this info - it may be of interest to other DGV converts - I haven't set it up yet so don't know if it's good. Rgds Mark Return-Path: <> Received: from
/html/alpines/2002-09/msg00095.html (8,438 bytes)

12. Weber, Vacuum advance - Electronic Ignition (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 14:20:20 EDT
I've just amended the linkage on the Weber DGV ready for fitting (after rejetting) - but what about the vacuum advance (there isnt on one the DGV)? What are the options here? Is this the time to ins
/html/alpines/2002-09/msg00217.html (6,686 bytes)

13. Check out Rootes 1725cc Series Light Cars (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 12:06:37 EDT
Hey, Thought you might be interested in this site, especially if you don't have a Workshop Manual <A HREF="">Click here: Rootes 1725cc Series Light Cars</
/html/alpines/2002-08/msg00080.html (6,523 bytes)

14. Which Weber for Series IV ? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 10:49:45 EDT
Sorry if this has already been discussed but I've just trawled through List mails and I couldn't find a definitive answer: Is the Weber 32/36 a direct simple bolt-on replacement for the original Sol
/html/alpines/2002-08/msg00099.html (6,767 bytes)

15. Cam specs ?? (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 07:08:37 EDT
A whille ago I bought what I was told was a Holbay Stage2 Cam from Sunbeam Supreme and was suspicious at the time because it looked exactly the same as the std cam I'd taken from the 1725 engine and
/html/alpines/2002-06/msg00080.html (6,503 bytes)

16. Ignition not working... (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 14:35:28 EDT
Hey there Football fans Let me start by congratulating your USA team for the fine show in the FIFA World Cup, shadowed only by Englands fantastic victory over Argentina. Here's the real reason for th
/html/alpines/2002-06/msg00099.html (6,903 bytes)

17. Re: (no subject) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:57:42 EDT
I just shaped some conflake boxes to make fin extensions for my Series 4 Mark
/html/alpines/2002-06/msg00140.html (6,745 bytes)

18. Suspension Bush replacement (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 09:23:05 EDT
Hi Alpiners I'm going to have to take my Series 4 off the road for a while (just as the weather is getting better!) I was cleaning it and my hand went through the sills on both sides. I thought I may
/html/alpines/2002-05/msg00088.html (6,682 bytes)

19. Re: STOLEN VEHICLE Honda Prelude (Non Alpine) Vancouver, BC (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:41:43 EDT
In the interests of International harmony I'll keep an eye out for it in Good Luck Mark Series 4
/html/alpines/2002-05/msg00229.html (7,413 bytes)

20. Replacement Battery ? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:04:46 EST
After too many recharges my battery has finally bitten the dust and is need of replacing. Can anyone recommend a brand/specification/things to look out for (other than 12v with a positive and negativ
/html/alpines/2001-12/msg00010.html (6,568 bytes)

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