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References: [ 53 ]

Total 53 documents matching your query.

41. Speedo Variance (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 13:39:21 -0300
If, for any reason, the speedo pointer needle was removed during the car's lifetime, it may have not been placed back precisely. Some adjustment may be called for. Rich C. Halifax, NS
/html/6pack/2000-06/msg00030.html (6,239 bytes)

42. Watt's Going On? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 11:45:22 -0300
Gang - I spent just a lovely 10 hours on Saturday sorting out reverse lamp problems on my 74. In hindsight, the fact that they did not work was probably result of any number of problems (bad switch o
/html/6pack/2000-06/msg00050.html (7,121 bytes)

43. Trunk (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 11:36:25 -0300
Doug - I think my car is the norm. The black-painted plywood tire cover, with a metal edge/lip on the forward side sits about 1 " above the main deck. A carpet, held in place by snaps, covers the who
/html/6pack/2000-06/msg00075.html (7,269 bytes)

44. Fire in the Hole!!?? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:35:47 -0300
Gang - my 6 has always been plagued by a fouling #6 plug which I presume is due to excessive oil (worn guides, rings, all of the above). My intention is to address this problem in due course by way o
/html/6pack/2000-06/msg00294.html (7,791 bytes)

45. Re: Removing TR6 Rear Springs? Help (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 08:18:27 -0300
Don - Don't despair. I, too, found that the manual over-simplifies the procedure. The arm will not drop enough to allow you to remove the springs by hand and I can assure you it is unpleasant trying
/html/6pack/2000-05/msg00007.html (8,209 bytes)

46. Re: How to get to the Front sway bar mounts? (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 12:56:34 -0300
This is deja vu all over again. First, Don's question re rear springs and shocks brought back fond recent memories, now I am led to remember the front sway bar issue. I am told it is possible, albeit
/html/6pack/2000-05/msg00014.html (7,120 bytes)

47. Re: Replacing DOT 3 with DOT 4 (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 09:23:36 -0300
Gang - maybe I missed something but I seem to recall that the question was - what is involved in replacing DOT3 with silicon fluid, DOT4 (sic). But I thought that silicon was DOT5. While DOT 3 and 4
/html/6pack/2000-05/msg00038.html (6,837 bytes)

48. Re: Now Now...Rear Facia (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 11:28:14 -0300
-- Forwarded by Richard Cottingham/MGNotes on 05/31/2000 07:46 PM -- Richard E. Cottingham 05/31/2000 11:26 AM Sent by: Richard Cottingham The Kamm style rear end supposedly adds an aerodynamic advan
/html/6pack/2000-05/msg00200.html (7,650 bytes)

49. Re: Dirrerential seals (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 16:57:33 -0300
-- Forwarded by Richard Cottingham/MGNotes on 04/12/2000 01:17 AM -- Richard E. Cottingham 04/11/2000 04:55 PM Sent by: Richard Cottingham What's this heresy I read about British cars leaking lubrica
/html/6pack/2000-04/msg00087.html (7,119 bytes)

50. Re: TR6: TO BUY OR NOT TO BUY (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:11:11 -0300
Gabriel - Just about everyone I know who shares this passion for the marque, or British cars in general, will attest to the fact that deals like this are almost impossible to resist. I presume you ar
/html/6pack/2000-03/msg00090.html (8,345 bytes)

51. Poly vs. rubber (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 08:52:42 -0300
Gary - I have gotten the message time and time again that poly is the only way to go. For one thing, the characteristics of replacement rubber are not the same as original so you wouldn't even be put
/html/6pack/2000-03/msg00126.html (7,423 bytes)

52. Re: Tools for the TR6 (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 13:57:30 -0300
-- Forwarded by Richard Cottingham/MGNotes on 01/20/2000 01:51 PM -- (Embedded image moved to file: PIC31780.PCX) Richard E. Cottingham 01/20/2000 10:25 AM Sent by: Richard Cottingham Ken - As a gene
/html/6pack/2000-01/msg00022.html (11,201 bytes)

53. Tools (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:19:05 -0300
The very first special "tool" that I purchased after the god of motoring merged my TR6 with the freeway of my life was the Bentley Manual. I would have been absolutely lost without it (and still woul
/html/6pack/2000-01/msg00030.html (7,499 bytes)

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