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Total 32 documents matching your query.

21. Fw: VTR convention pics (score: 1)
Author: "Billy and Ann Green" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 00:19:58 -0400
My wife and I just returned from Richmond, Virginia from the Vintage Triumph Register convention - lots of great cars and people, as well as a visit to the Va. Aircraft Museum by a Spitfire. The RAF
/html/6pack/2004-07/msg00217.html (8,339 bytes)

22. Fw: tech list (score: 1)
Author: "Billy and Ann Green" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 19:40:54 -0400
Hey lists Please reply to -- Original Message -- Does anyone know how I can get a tech list so I can make sure the '69 TR6 is up to snuff for VTR in Richmond (to autocross)?
/html/6pack/2004-06/msg00038.html (6,748 bytes)

23. tech list (score: 1)
Author: "Billy and Ann Green" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 19:40:07 -0400
Does anyone know how I can get a tech list so I can make sure the '69 TR6 is up to snuff for VTR in Richmond (to autocross)? Thanks Billy
/html/6pack/2004-06/msg00039.html (6,644 bytes)

24. glove box hinges (score: 1)
Author: "Billy T Green" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 20:04:09 -0400
I have an original early '69 TR6. The glovebox hinges are black. Billy Green Statesboro, GA '69 TR6 '59 A/H Bugeye and the trucks and modern cars don't really count!
/html/6pack/2004-06/msg00278.html (6,411 bytes)

25. bumpers (score: 1)
Author: "Billy and Ann Green" <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 22:29:20 -0400
Hello Don I just parted out 2 1972 TR6's - I have a good bumper set. Of course I'm not on your route, as luck would have it. Shipping is not too expensive though, as I had a bumper shipped to me befo
/html/6pack/2004-05/msg00306.html (6,602 bytes)

26. Speedometers (score: 1)
Author: "Billy and Ann Green" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 15:22:59 -0500
I've had excellent service from Nissonger instruments, although I need to replace my speedo cable - the aftermarket ones seem to have very little resistance to abrasion. Here's a couple of contacts:
/html/6pack/2004-03/msg00527.html (6,820 bytes)

27. TR6 frame weight (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 00:16:04 -0400
Hey folks I need a rough guess at the weight of a 1972 TR6 frame, with brakes and rear end. Also rough measurements to calculate shipping costs Thanks in Advance Billy
/html/6pack/2003-10/msg00110.html (6,477 bytes)

28. straight six (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 00:43:48 -0400
Hearing of the mated TR6 / 240Z car someone wrote in about made me wonder if a 280-Z 6 would fit in a TR6- that would make one helluva ride Anybody have any ideas about overall measurements?? Thanks
/html/6pack/2003-10/msg00184.html (6,411 bytes)

29. TR6 radiators (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 18:19:40 -0500
Surprising findings at the radiator shop: Both radiators came off of 1972 TR6's. One, however, was a "heavy duty" radiator- it was 2 point something inches thick and the other was 1 & 7/8". Both were
/html/6pack/2003-10/msg00615.html (7,350 bytes)

30. Installation of Celica 5-Speed Tranny (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:11:54 -0400
Has anyone done the installation of the 82-86? Toyota Celica 5-Speed transmission to a TR6? If so, any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in Advance Billy T Green '69 TR6 '58 A/H Sprite
/html/6pack/2003-09/msg00440.html (6,739 bytes)

31. Fw: Installation of Celica 5-Speed Tranny (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 22:14:09 -0400
Has anyone done the installation of the 82-86? Toyota Celica 5-Speed transmission to a TR6? If so, any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks in Advance Please reply directly (and to listers if you
/html/6pack/2003-09/msg00441.html (6,987 bytes)

32. Photo Links to my Two "BRAND NEW" TR's! (score: 1)
Author: "Ann and Billy Green" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 12:52:46 -0400
I'm on the way to Gatlinburg w/family till ThursdayLook at my new cars!: I found them in the woods less than 1 mile from my house and bought them for $140! Yes, I know I'm crazy- my wife is going to
/html/6pack/2003-09/msg00454.html (8,023 bytes)

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