With sadness I am reporting this.
The Borough family passed away last week at their house. They had been moving
in to this house and had been there for about a month. The house was on a dirt
road away from the city of Casa Grande, AZ. Fire trucks were as long way off..
The newspaper said that the fire was listed as suspicious. I don't know if
their MG's were at the other house or already there. Joyce was the surgeon at
the hospital there and Dennis ran Joyce's office. Trevor was in High School. I
have no other information. When I get more Information will pass it along. They
had a two tone Magnette Maroon on bottom and white on top. If any one hears
more info than I, please pass it along. Dennis drove their Magnette everywhere.
They drove it to Reno. I stopped and helped them on the return trip home from
Reno when they broke down. They were a fun family and will be missed, greatly.
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