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Re: [Zmagnette] ignition problem <> <zmagnette.a

To: List for the Z Magnette Group - North America <>
Subject: Re: [Zmagnette] ignition problem <> <>
From: Steven Trovato <>>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 16:41:44 -0400
References: <> <>
Don't think that because you see intermittent spark on one cylinder 
that the common parts like the coil are beyond suspicion.  If the 
plug gaps are a little inconsistent a weak coil can make a spark 
capable of reliably jumping a small gap, but not a larger one.  What 
were the circumstances surrounding this problem?  Was the car running 
one day and just wouldn't start the next?  Those new parts you list, 
were they replaced because the car wouldn't start or did you change 
those things and then find the car wouldn't start?  What's going on 
on the #2 and #3 cylinders?  Car should still start with one 
intermittent cylinder.

-Steve T.

At 03:22 PM 10/28/2013, charles durning wrote:
>Weak spark on #4 cylinder only could a plug wire, a sparklpug, or a 
>distributor cap.
>Weak spark on 1 cylinder won't keep the engine from starting, mis 
>set timing will.

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