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Re: [WPTA] Parade lap at Pitt Race Saturday July 16

To: Robert Astor <bobastor@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [WPTA] Parade lap at Pitt Race Saturday July 16
From: "J.R. ROENIGK via Wpta" <wpta@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 20:01:15 -0400
Cc: Dan <delbianco@pvgp.org>, WPTA <wpta@autox.team.net>, Henry Frye <henry@henryfrye.com>
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: wpta@autox.team.net
References: <81206386.3858126.1657324812256@mail.yahoo.com>
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Yeh.  Baby.  That=E2=80=99s what I=E2=80=99m talking =E2=80=98bout=20

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 8, 2022, at 8:00 PM, Robert Astor <bobastor@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 7:58 PM, J.R. ROENIGK
> <rroenigk@aol.com> wrote:
> If I sign up=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6 I=E2=80=99m racin=E2=80=99
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 8, 2022, at 5:36 PM, Bruce Stutzman via Wpta <wpta@autox.team.net=
> wrote:
>> =EF=BB=BF
>> Great! So am I
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 4:26 PM Robert Astor <bobastor@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I'm signed up!
>> MGB Bob
>> On Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 10:35:04 PM EDT, Bruce Stutzman via Wpta <wp=
ta@autox.team.net> wrote:
>> OK folks let's do this!
>> Dan DelBianco set us up with a Triumph parade lap at Pitt Race during the=
 Kastner Cup.
>> Unfortunately only 3 of us signed up.  Maybe the $50 fee was a bit steep o=
r maybe the word didn't get around.
>> Dan has made a couple changes:
>> 1.  The fee is now $40
>> 2.  All British sports cars built before 1983 are now eligible.
>> The lap will be at noon on Saturday before the Kastner Cup race.
>> So, get on the PVGP site and sign up.  If you insist you can pay when we l=
ine up on Saturday.
>> You will need to print your receipt and show it when we line up.
>> Bruce
>> _______________________________________________
>> wpta@autox.team.net
>> -------------------------------------
>> http://www.wptriumph.org
>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
>> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive
>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/wpta/bobastor@y=
>> _______________________________________________
>> wpta@autox.team.net
>> -------------------------------------
>> http://www.wptriumph.org
>> Donate: http://www.team.net/donate.html
>> Archive: http://www.team.net/archive
>> Unsubscribe/Manage: http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/wpta/rroenigk@a=

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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Yeh. &nbsp;Baby. &nbsp;That=E2=80=99s what I=
=E2=80=99m talking =E2=80=98bout&nbsp;<br><br><div dir=3D"ltr">Sent from my i=
Phone</div><div dir=3D"ltr"><br><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Jul 8, 2022, at=
 8:00 PM, Robert Astor &lt;bobastor@yahoo.com&gt; wrote:<br><br></blockquote=
></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div class=3D"yma=
il-card yahoo-link-enhancr-card ymail-gif-card" style=3D"position: relative;=
box-sizing: border-box;width: 100%;max-width:400px;color: #000;text-decorati=
on:none;border: none;width: auto;padding: 0;" contenteditable=3D"false" id=3D=
"ymail_ctr_id_-158798-31"><div><div style=3D"display: inline-block; position=
: relative;"><a src=3D""><img src=3D"https://c.tenor.com/J9cgEXjkIKYAAAAM/gi=
rl-car.gif" id=3D"ymail_ctr_id_-807974-32" data-unique-identifier=3D""></a><=
/div></div></div><br><br><br><div id=3D"ymail_android_signature"><a id=3D"ym=
ail_android_signature_link" href=3D"https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=3DIn=
mailSignature">Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div> <br> <blockquote st=
yle=3D"margin: 0 0 20px 0;"> <div style=3D"font-family:Roboto, sans-serif; c=
olor:#6D00F6;"> <div>On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 7:58 PM, J.R. ROENIGK</div><div>=
&lt;rroenigk@aol.com&gt; wrote:</div> </div> <div style=3D"padding: 10px 0 0=
 20px; margin: 10px 0 0 0; border-left: 1px solid #6D00F6;"> <div id=3D"yiv0=
784764821"><div>If I sign up=E2=80=A6=E2=80=A6 I=E2=80=99m racin=E2=80=99<br=
 clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none"><div dir=3D"ltr">Sent from my iPhone</div=
><div dir=3D"ltr"><br clear=3D"none"><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Jul 8, 202=
2, at 5:36 PM, Bruce Stutzman via Wpta &lt;wpta@autox.team.net&gt; wrote:<br=
 clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none"></blockquote></div><blockquote type=3D"ci=
te"><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div dir=3D"ltr">Great! So am I<br clear=3D"no=
ne"></div><br clear=3D"none"><div class=3D"yiv0784764821gmail_quote"><div di=
r=3D"ltr" class=3D"yiv0784764821gmail_attr">On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 4:26 PM R=
obert Astor &lt;<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymail=
to=3D"mailto:bobastor@yahoo.com"; target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:bobastor@y=
ahoo.com">bobastor@yahoo.com</a>&gt; wrote:<br clear=3D"none"></div><blockqu=
ote style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204)=
;padding-left:1ex;" class=3D"yiv0784764821gmail_quote"><div><div style=3D"fo=
nt-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;"><div></div>
        <div dir=3D"ltr">I'm signed up!</div><div dir=3D"ltr">MGB Bob</div><=
div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
        </div><div id=3D"yiv0784764821gmail-m_2965436225322450126yahoo_quote=
            <div style=3D"font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size=
                    On Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 10:35:04 PM EDT, Bruce Stut=
zman via Wpta &lt;<a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" yma=
ilto=3D"mailto:wpta@autox.team.net"; target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:wpta@au=
tox.team.net">wpta@autox.team.net</a>&gt; wrote:
                <div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
                <div><br clear=3D"none"></div>
                <div><div id=3D"yiv0784764821gmail-m_2965436225322450126yiv5=
191500953"><div dir=3D"ltr">OK folks let's do this!<div>Dan DelBianco set us=
 up with a Triumph parade lap at Pitt Race during the Kastner Cup.</div><div=
>Unfortunately only 3 of us signed up.&nbsp; Maybe the $50 fee was a bit ste=
ep or maybe the word didn't get around.</div><div>Dan has made a couple chan=
ges:</div><div>1.&nbsp; The fee is now $40</div><div>2.&nbsp; All British sp=
orts cars built before 1983 are now eligible.</div><div>The lap will be at n=
oon on Saturday before the Kastner Cup race.</div><div><br clear=3D"none"></=
div><div>So, get on the PVGP site and sign up.&nbsp; If you insist you can p=
ay when we line up on Saturday.</div><div>You will need to print your receip=
t and show it when we line up.</div><div><br clear=3D"none"></div><div>Bruce=
</div>_______________________________________________<br clear=3D"none"><a r=
el=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" ymailto=3D"mailto:wpta@au=
tox.team.net" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"mailto:wpta@autox.team.net";>wpta@aut=
ox.team.net</a><br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none">-----------------------=
--------------<br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none"><a rel=3D"nofollow noope=
ner noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"http://www.wptriump=
h.org">http://www.wptriumph.org</a><br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none">Don=
ate: <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank=
" href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";>http://www.team.net/donate.html</=
a><br clear=3D"none">Archive: <a rel=3D"nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape=3D=
"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"http://www.team.net/archive";>http://www.tea=
m.net/archive</a><br clear=3D"none">Unsubscribe/Manage: <a rel=3D"nofollow n=
oopener noreferrer" shape=3D"rect" target=3D"_blank" href=3D"http://autox.te=
n/options/wpta/bobastor@yahoo.com</a><div id=3D"yiv0784764821yqtfd04711" cla=
ss=3D"yiv0784764821yqt3598173084"><br clear=3D"none"><br clear=3D"none"><br c=
lear=3D"none"></div></div><div id=3D"yiv0784764821yqtfd57746" class=3D"yiv07=
            </div></div><div id=3D"yiv0784764821yqtfd43105" class=3D"yiv0784=
        </div></div></div></blockquote></div><div id=3D"yiv0784764821yqtfd03=
000" class=3D"yiv0784764821yqt3598173084">
<span>_______________________________________________</span><br clear=3D"non=
e"><span>wpta@autox.team.net</span><br clear=3D"none"><span></span><br clear=
=3D"none"><span>-------------------------------------</span><br clear=3D"non=
e"><span></span><br clear=3D"none"><span>http://www.wptriumph.org</span><br c=
lear=3D"none"><span></span><br clear=3D"none"><span>Donate: http://www.team.=
net/donate.html</span><br clear=3D"none"><span>Archive: http://www.team.net/=
archive</span></div><br clear=3D"none"><span>Unsubscribe/Manage: http://auto=
x.team.net/mailman/options/wpta/rroenigk@aol.com</span><div id=3D"yiv0784764=
821yqtfd06589" class=3D"yiv0784764821yqt3598173084"><br clear=3D"none"><span=
></span><br clear=3D"none"><span></span><br clear=3D"none"></div></div></blo=
ckquote></div></div> </div> </blockquote></div></blockquote></body></html>=


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