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Re: [VTR] [SPAM] Re: Goodnight, list?

To: "'Mark J Bradakis'" <mark@bradakis.com>, <vtr@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [VTR] [SPAM] Re: Goodnight, list?
From: "Skip Shervington" <skip@shervington.org>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 08:39:53 -0700
I believe you can categorize your friends on Facebook so you can keep
separate the chit chat of say friends and business.  So in this case each
member would chose to set up a group for just VTR.

Skip Shervington
'58 TR3A TS34885L
Santa Cruz, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: vtr-bounces@autox.team.net [mailto:vtr-bounces@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Mark J Bradakis
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:59 PM
To: vtr@autox.team.net
Cc: Triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [VTR] Goodnight, list?

> I'd like to see the lists go a bit more real time social networks, 
> somewhat like Facebook or Twitter, but without the superfluous 
> chitchat.  Sort of like,
> " Hey, I have this part in my hand, it looks like {this photo 
> embeded}.  Anyone know which way round it goes?"
> And 5 minutes later or less you get a response ...
> "Yeah Mate, the end you have your thumb on goes on first.  And BTW, 
> here is a link to Club 4's video on the installation {click and view 
> the video}."
People can do that now, the triumph forum at http://www.team.net/forums 
allows pictures.  And
clickable links can be embedded in not only the forum, but in plain text 
email as well.  Look at
all the links at the bottom of this message.  [*]

I've had such capability set up in various guises for years.  But nobody 
uses it, so nobody uses
it.  Most folks want to keep doing it they way they've been doing it for 
the last 20 or so years
I've kept Team.Net on the air.


 *:  There's a link to the mailman page where folks can set their 
preferences for list delivery
       and such.  It has been I don't remember how long since I've 
started switching lists from
       majordomo to mailman, but there are still folks who try to use 
majordomo to manage
       their subscriptions.   You can lead a horse to water ....

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You are recieving this at skip@shervington.org



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