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Re: Triumphest 2003

To: "Patrick Caswell" <tr4u@earthlink.net>, "VTR List"
Subject: Re: Triumphest 2003
From: "Phil Ethier" <pethier@isd.net>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 18:07:21 -0600
From: "Patrick Caswell" <tr4u@earthlink.net>

> I can't wait. The mission inn is less than a mile from my home.
> I just hope I can get the Car done in time.

The Lotus Owners Gathering last fall was scheduled to be closer to my house
than every before.  Not as close as the VTR, but too close to pass up.  The
problem was that my Lotus wore a coat of many colors and rather rough
bodywork.  The answer?  Cover it with a coat of white Krylon and go anyway!
I had a lot of laughs and got an autocross trophy to boot.

I hope you finish the car properly, but if you get it mobile and
less-than-concours, bring it anyway and have a great time.

Phil Ethier  West Side  Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L
pethier@isd.net  http://www.mnautox.com/  http://www.lotusowners.com

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