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Re: Zenith Carb

To: Herald948@aol.com, wolfrr@yahoo.com, triumphs@autox.team.net, vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Zenith Carb
From: TriStagReg@aol.com
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 11:54:30 EST
Reply-to: TriStagReg@aol.com
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
Hi All, 
       For Zenith and SU Carburetors, go to http://www.burlen.co.uk/  which 
is Burlen Fuel Systems in Salisbury UK.
The link is also on the  <A HREF="http://www.triumphstagregister.org/";>Triumph 
Stag Register Web Page</A> .  There are also 
some videos there on Timing chain oiling  there for Stag and TR7 owners to 

As to a list of "licensed" people working on ZS and SU carburetors, I don't 
think there is such a thing.  Burlen had bought the rights to SU carburetors, 
I don't know if they also bought the rights to ZS carburetors also.  I don't 
think they "license" repair shops.  Burlen does remanufacture both though.
       Your best reference will be your local Triumph or British Car club, or 
referrals from other British Car owners.

Keep Staggering!

Glenn  Merrell
Triumph Stag Register USA VP
<A HREF="mailto:TriStagReg@aol.com";>TriStagReg@aol.com</A>
<A HREF="http://www.triumphstagregister.org";>Triumph Stag Register Web Page</A> 
The Triumph Stag Register is dedicated to providing technical support to Stag 
owners and enthusiasts worldwide.
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