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Re: Let the Buyer Beware Part 2

To: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>, Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@autox.team.net>, Vintage Triumph Register general list <vtr@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Let the Buyer Beware Part 2
From: william@mustang.parsippany.sgi.com (Bill Silvershein)
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 07:06:56 -0400 (EDT)
In-reply-to: william (Bill Silvershein) "Let the Buyer Beware" (May 18, 1:59pm)
Phone: (201) 263-1661
References: <Pine.WNT.3.95.990518132735.-365985X-100000@win2431.nysed.gov> <9905181359.ZM4436@mustang.parsippany.sgi.com>
Reply-to: william@mustang.parsippany.sgi.com (Bill Silvershein)
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
Good morning all,

   Just wanted to add that the same car is listed in the new VTR magazine,
won't mention the add by name, just the following part of it "now $5,500 in the
spring $6,500".......Beware of this car....I have also seen it relisted on Ebay
this week........
    Have a great week.


Bill Silvershein

PS: For those who emailed me about the specs on the welded in rollbar, the
seller stated that it passed SCCA Tech inspection last year, but, since I do
tech inspections for the SCCA when at their events, I can tell you that nobody
at the SCCA would have ever let this car on the track/autocross course.......

On May 18,  1:59pm, Bill Silvershein wrote:
> Subject: Let the Buyer Beware
> Greeting all,
>    Just want to let the group know about a seller who is not quite
> honest about what he is selling (The car is touted as a rust free,1973 TR6,
> autocross car just north of Boston, BRG with a spartan interior, no top or
> glass). After traveling the 6 hours one way with my trailer, I find not only
> beatup car, but one where the dash has been hacked together with a 1969(key
> located in the dash)dash, on a 73 Chassis, with missing rockers( covered over
> poorly by fiberglass matting),a paint job my 7 year old son could have done
> with a paint roller, a roll bar that has not been welded( ok, one small spot
> weld on each mounting pad to hold it in the car) in (was told it had been,
> passed SCCA tech inspection last year), and an overall seller who just played
> dumb...Well, good thing I did not buy it when it was on ebay, I could have
> truly been scammed out of my money. Since I had not, I am only out my 12
> hours on the road, and about $200 in expenses....Let the buyer beware
> of this car. Tell all your friends to watch out for this car in
> Swampscott, MA and a seller named Fred.........I would hate to have anyone
> waste their time in the pursuit of a car that is touted as something it is
> not.....
> Yours in ever searching Triumphs,
> Bill S.
> PS: Car is BRG, with no top, nor door glass either... Have seen car
> listed in Hemmings, on the VTR site, and on Ebay...........
> --
> William E. Silvershein                        SGI
> Phone:973-299-5735                            300 Interpace Parkway
> Fax:973-263-8460                              Parsippany,N.J.07054
> Alt Fax:973-263-8302
> Voice Mail:973-299-5701 Mailbox 5735
> V-Net-426-5735
> E-Mail: william@parsippany.sgi.com
> There can only be one, and here I am..
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> On-Line Tools:                http://www.sgi.com/Support/suppresource.html
>-- End of excerpt from Bill Silvershein

William E. Silvershein                        SGI
Phone:973-299-5735                            300 Interpace Parkway
Fax:973-263-8460                              Parsippany,N.J.07054
Alt Fax:973-263-8302
Voice Mail:973-299-5701 Mailbox 5735
E-Mail: william@parsippany.sgi.com

There can only be one, and here I am..

Support Services:       http://www.sgi.com/Support/Programs/
Customer Registration:  http://www.sgi.com/Support/custreg.html
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