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Re: TR6 restoration

To: vtr@autox.team.net, mefoster <mefoster@airmail.net>
Subject: Re: TR6 restoration
From: "Bill Sohl" <billsohl@mailhost2.planet.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 15:31:44 +0000
In-reply-to: <36EAC59B.6043917@airmail.net>
Reply-to: "Bill Sohl" <billsohl@mailhost2.planet.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
> Date:          Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:07:55 -0600
> From:          mefoster <mefoster@airmail.net> wrote:
> I'm considering buying a TR6 and restoring it to something reasonably
> approaching
> mint condition. That's my fantasy anyway. I have looked at half a dozen
> TR6s in the
> area where I live (Dallas Tx). They all seem to be mechanically sound
> but they are
> all in various stages of exterior and interior decomposition. Rather
> than just having
> some bondo and paint slapped on, I would prefer to find a reputable body
> shop that
> specializes in quality restoration work. Does any of this sound familiar
> to anyone?
> I would appreciate recommendations for a body shop in this area that
> fits the above
> description. I would also be interested in hearing other peoples
> experiences undertaking similar projects and/or their advice for the
> blissfully ignorant.


Consider buying a car with the BEST body, interior
and cosmetic condition you can.  Body work and other
cosmetic restoration is far more expensive than 
any mechanical rebuilds.

Bill Sohl

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