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VIN Info & VTR

To: curry@wolfenet.com
Subject: VIN Info & VTR
From: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 8:53:25 -0600
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Comments: ( Received on motgate.mot.com from client pobox.mot.com, sender Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com )
Reply-to: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Joe Curry Wrote:

"I wish you all the luck in the world trying to find out.  I had the same
questions regarding Spitfires and nobody knows.  I decided to establish
a Spitfire database and find out that way.  Trouble is the people who
are in the best position to help gather that kind of data either don't
care or are afraid that I am trying to steal their members away.  I
don't get any response at all from the VTR.

What is the "registry" good for if nobody can get any data from it?"

Joe if you are a member I am sure you can buy the back issue that listed all 
know VIN mumbers registered with the VTR. Off hand I can't remember the 
issue but maybe someone the VTR list will know. I kind of think it was a 
couple of winters ago. So who have you contacted requesting this information?
 BTW did you get the info on my car I sent you?
Good luck,
Richard Ceraldi
71 Spitfire MKIV FK9365L
Austin, TX

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