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VTR WWW site will be down from tonight (Friday) through Monday AM

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: VTR WWW site will be down from tonight (Friday) through Monday AM
From: Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 17:38:13 -0400
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Sanders, A Lockheed Martin Company
Reply-to: Ken Streeter <streeter@sanders.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
The Vintage Triumph Register WWW site will be down from
tonight (Friday) through Monday 10/13, at around 9AM, due
to a scheduled power outage.  And yes, that means I'll
be away from my mail for all that time, too...

Have a good weekend, all!

VTR WWW Maintainer -- http://www.vtr.org

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  • VTR WWW site will be down from tonight (Friday) through Monday AM, Ken Streeter <=