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VTR Scores

To: "'vtr@autox.team.net'" <vtr@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: VTR Scores
From: Alexander Joseph H <AlexanderJosephH@Waterloo.deere.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 15:48:27 -0500
Reply-to: Alexander Joseph H <AlexanderJosephH@Waterloo.deere.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
As an outsider..because I dont get to deeply involved in the car show
thing, but....

Judging cars is tough on everyone. Some cars end up looking better than
they did when they came from factory and knowing British cars, some may
be more "correct" than a particular car was when it came from the

So be it...but nothing is perfect and neither are the judges.

Not very satisfying to some, but the Heartland British event in the Quad
Cities went to a entrant judging method. All entrants were issued a
judging form and you were to select a car in each category that appeared
to be the "best".  I think you have to educate everyone on the
importance of taking it seriously when filling out the forms, and then I
think the cream usually rises to top. 

There was a fist fight one time in a church basement over a Pine Wood
Derby Race. Consider the ironies here. How awful...Who needs it?

See you in Winona...come and have fun.


TR3A   Coast to Coast in the past two years and no trailer queen
here..well, I've been know to pull one behind the TR3a  :-)

TR4     Vintage Racer

Both of these cars have won show awards in the past, BTW

>From:  Richard Ceraldi-ERC004[SMTP:Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com]
>Sent:  Monday, August 18, 1997 2:33 PM
>To:    vtr@Autox.Team.Net
>Subject:       VTR Scores
>Andy and Co.,
>  Below you will see the finger pointing back to the VTR for the scores for 
>the Nationals. What are the chances of getting these back out to the members 
>wanting them? Have they been burned and the ashes spread in the English 
>Channel for fear of ears getting bitten off? If funds are a problem VTR can 
>always capitalize on the situation and sell them at a large profit;-). All 
>this secrecy can't be good for the organization or provide incentive to play 
>this game.  BTW this is just being sent to VTR list and not the Triumph list 
>an an attempt to keep all the background clutter down..
>Richard Ceraldi
>Austin, TX
>Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
>> So who is George Rabey?
>Hi again!
>George is the VTR chief judge -- he had jurisdiction over the entire
>Concours, where Duncan Wood was the chief judge from our club. 
>George's  contact info is on the inside front cover of The Vintage
>Triumph, which unfortunately I have at home, not here at work.
>Hope this helps!
>Keep Triumphing,
>Susan  %)
>Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
>> Susan,
>>  So what's the address to send our envelope to?
>> Richard
>Hi Richard!
>It was merely a suggestion for next time -- George Rabey has the judging 
>forms and we don't have access to them.  Sorry!
>Keep Triumphing,
>Susan   %)
>To: triumphs@autox.team.net@INTERNET
>(Hi all!  Jim's server isn't letting him send mail out, so I am posting
>this for him -- Susan)
>When we were setting up the 1997 VTR National, our committee head on
>Judging agreed that the judging sheets should be shared with the competitors,
> BUT NOT AT THE SHOW!  Evidently there has been trouble at past shows with 
>competitors becoming quite upset at the results and making life miserable 
>for the judging staff.
>His suggestion is that at the show interested individuals could supply a
>self addressed stamped envelope, and results would be sent a month after the 
>show.  That way emotion won't cloud objective evaluation of the sheets, and 
>the competitor can be ready for next year's show.
>I don't know if the VTR would agree to this suggestion, but it'd be
>something for Minnesota to consider for next year.
>Jim Gambony
>Mad Man in McKinney
> ----------
>From: triumphs-owner
>Subject: results of judges at car show
>Date: Friday, August 15, 1997 12:04AM
>Dear group I feel we are missing a very important function of our car
>shows. We go not get our car point brake down from the judges.
>I understand in 1988 or what year there was a fist fight so vtr will
>not give our RECORD out with the fear of trouble. My Point is this
>is childish and by other means it is a breach
>of-------------------------. let you lawyers fill in the blanks.
>My suggestion to take of the above mail then.(if a stamp is a problem,
>i am sure this could be cured.
>What does the list think?
>Larry Scharff
>Friendswood Tx.
>1967   TR4A

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