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RE: VTR Nationals, Re: John and Val's Excellent Weekend

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Subject: RE: VTR Nationals, Re: John and Val's Excellent Weekend
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Date: 17 Jul 1997 15:25:54 -0500
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A short response from Minnesota:

"I think it's a great idea to have a special class for fully prepared 
competition cars. But can we please find out what the judging guidelines are 

 -- I served as the on-the-ground/under-the-car member of the field team that 
judged the Modified and Prepared cars in Ft. Worth.  The criteria were easy; 
we didn't worry about green radiator hoses or how many loops were in the 
temp gauge's capillary tube.  DCOE's didn't score more the DGV's.  A Monza 
exhaust tied on with a bent clothes hanger got a deduct, however; a neatly 
attached one did not.

"The members of the Autocross Advisory Board are going to get more involved 
in trying to assure the quality of the autocross event from year to year; we 
probably need the same for the rallyes."

 -- I think I can speak for Minnesota Triumphs in says that we look forward 
to your involvement.  We really want to have a good competition program in 
Winona next year.

"There is admittedly a tension in VTR; there's a very large concours 
contigent that doesn't care about driving events, just pouring money time 
and attention into getting their cars perfect. That, however, doesn't 
attract vintage racers or the people who actually use their cars."

 -- Different strokes for different folks.  I personally am only a driver (2K 
miles back and forth to Ft. Worth this year).  But I really enjoyed watching 
the autocross and viewing some of the exceptional concours cars.  In 
Minnesota, we hope to have a national event that appeals to the wide variety 
of Triumph owners and enthusiasts.  That means a good program for councours 
and an equally good program for racing -- plus some neat stuff for some or 
us more easy-going types also.

At the TRF Summer Party "people can camp instead of paying the hotel's 
conference rate. I suspect that the latter could be a deciding factor for 
folks with larger families and limited vacation budget."

 -- The Winona Guide lists five campgrounds in or near the city.  One may be 
closer to the autocross site than the convention hotel.  If you want the 
info let me know.

 -- Andy (TR3 in Minnesota)

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