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Re: Greetings, questions

To: "streeter@sanders.com" <streeter@sanders.com> (Return requested), "tom@ntcs-inc.com" <tom@ntcs-inc.com> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: Greetings, questions
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Date: 02 Jul 1997 08:38:53 -0500
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> I am trying to track down information on the Triumph GT6 cars
> that competed in the 1969 American Road Race of Champions that
> was held at Daytona in 1969.  One of these cars appeared in a
> number of print adds in '69 and '70 for Triumph and Quaker
> State.  Specifically I am looking for photos, as well as any
> information on how these cars were prepared.  Anything that
> might help point me in the right direction would be
> appreciated.

Tom --

For preparation of the cars, try the "Competition Preparation Manual" for 
the GT6.  It's written by Kas Kastner and probably includes most of the 
competition modifications that were made to the stock 1969/70 cars.  I say 
"probably" because the manual is in its second edition (1977) and some of 
the 1969/70 techniques may have been supplanted by more effective measures. 
 I say "most" because I don't think Kastner liked to share all of his trick. 
 The manual is cheap ($5.00?), it's available from the Roadster Factory, but 
I don't know whether it's in stock.

 -- Andy LIndberg (TR3 in Minnesota.  When, oh when, will I have a GT6 

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