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Re: Mounting TR-6 engine on engine stand

Subject: Re: Mounting TR-6 engine on engine stand
From: gschneid@nicmad.nicolet.com (Gary Schneider)
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 96 18:37:23 CST
Cc: VTR@Autox.team.net
Reply-to: gschneid@nicmad.nicolet.com (Gary Schneider)
Sender: owner-vtr
>     A friend of mine is concerned about attaching his TR-6 engine block
>to the engine stand he has.  The stand has four attachment points and he
>is afraid that only four bolts will not support the weight of the block.
>Can anyone provide me with any information I can pass to him?  Thanks for
>the help.

I used a similar one and had no trouble. I shared the concern but they held
just fine, no sign of stress on the bolts or the threads in the block.

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, fax: 608-273-5061, email: gschneid@nicolet.com

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