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(no subject)

To: vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: (no subject)
From: robert mcclure <rcm141@psu.edu>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 95 02:39:51 0400
    I'm Rob McClure and I would just like to recieve some info on VTR.  
I own a 1974 TR6.  I'm currently enrolled at Penn State University.  I 
bought my Triumph when I was 14 years old.  Because of a lack of money 
my restoration has come to a halt.  I replaced the clutch recently and 
stripped the paint off of it in hopes of getting body work and a fresh 
coat of paint.  But as I said I have no money so it has been put in dry 
storage in hopes of getting finished next summer.  I just thought that I 
would drop a line telling you my situation.  If you could send me some 
info about your club I would be greatly appreciative.

             Thanks again
             Robert C. McClure
               303 Pinchot Hall
                University Park PA.

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